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Show OUR PONDEST HOPE I . VISION. If we can only put Into ( the Inner vision of people the thought that, In our efforts, the Utah Public Health association Is working not so much for the stamping out of dls- cases now prevalent, as for the pre- vention of disease in the next gener- fttion and the generation after that, "' .we will, hare accomplished one'ot pur greatest Ideas. It Is more than An Idea, It Is an ideal, and one to-'- ward which every thinking person In the state of Utah can help us and as his or' her duty should help us. Now naturally the Utah Tublle Health association takes a keen Interest In-terest In dlBeaso which is among us today, and especially in the victims pi tuberculosis, For Ihcl nclptcnl case, tho man or woman who has tho fit dlscaso and who knows the symptoms S We have sur advice, which, If fol- lowed, will restore health. We have MJt- pamphlets, books and various kinds I of literature which we send free of R? charge to anyone. Mj Dut for Iho ono who has tubercul- fl" osltt In 'an ndvanced form wo can 1 only do a llmilcd amount of service. 1 We can proviso medical inspection, freo of charge. Wo can send a nurso to tho homo to tell tho pationt how to care for tho discaso so that It will not Infoct others and to Instruct tht family as to what to cook, how to tront the patient, etc. Should tho sufferer however, bo so far advanced, that sanatorium care beenmes a necosBlty wo can do no more than glvo advice, which usually us-ually Is useless, as tho majority of y such patients cannot afford to go to other Btotes for treatmont. Vet wo have no provision for bucIi cases In Utah, savo for tho county hospital of Salt Lake county which, however, Is .unable to begin to care for all those. who need aanltorlum care. ' ' I While we aro most vitally deslr- 'ous of doing something for theso advanced ad-vanced tuberculosis victims the executive ex-ecutive secretary of the Utah l'ubllc I , (' - 'Health association and his board of directors realize how much more vl-1 vl-1 tal It Is to raise our young people to 'such a state of bodily resistance that tuberculosis will bo almost an Impossibility, Impos-sibility, and that the body will throw 'off other diseases as well. For this reason I am going to urge prevention continually, the need or common Ben Be In our work and mote common sense In our spare time; tho need of plain, wholesome, well cooked food and tho raising of the children along these lines. "- Whcro there Is no vision there the pcoplo perish. |