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Show . . S(Ociety . . Tuesday evening at the homo of Leone and lone Halght, eight of their friends were entertained at a card t party. The rooms wero daintily ar- Sfe- rang'ed with golden glow. Light refreshments re-freshments were served, after which the evening' was passed pleasantly 1 ; with card playing and music. Tho ( h guests present were: .Miss Mary Bon- ! net, Edna Crawford, Leone and Iono Halght, Lyle Huff, Thomas Cardon, lf4"t - - Kenneth Llndqulst and Ezra 0Yen. ' J ' . i $ $ S On the tennis grounds, at tho homo ' of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andorson, "' tho Mutual Senior class of the First V ward gave a character dancing party i , "Monday evening. Tlip court was beau- f ' tlfully decorated with flags, Japan- ' 'so lanterns and golden glow. Tho evening was delightfully spent In dancing, after which refreshments wero served. About twenty-eight i guests wero present. ; $$ 3 J& Dr. and Mrs. I. P. Stewart and :V ' family returned the latter pait of t -. last. week from an outing of six f weeks which was spent at their cot- tageln Logan canyon. They also ' spent a week at Dear Lake and Ideal "Vt Beach. , ""V- $ & $ j ' Mr".; and Mrs. Theron Smith of I . TreMJsreton, Idaho, and Mrs. Gray ! nndfSauElitcr of Cleveland, Idaho. wereTthe- guests of Mrs. Isaac Smith on tho 20th. They returned home Thursday. ' - ,H $ . Mttgand Mrs. Ernest Ooddard of $?'. S Ogda,aro the guests of Mrs. M. E. Hanks1, Mr. God'dard returned home Thursday. Mrs. Gpddard will remain T aV ' r a week or two with her niolher. f$J"? Mrs. J. It. Wooloy and little daugh- "'i , ter of Fort Worth, Texas, are the. , f -' ' ' ! i,4,'".- ' house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alma, i- a ,' Sonne for the week end. ir to .$ & 1 - ? Miss Mabel Reese left for Salt Lake 'iv - . today to visit with her sister for somo ' ' time,. V-J-V.' Mrs. Pearson of Plymouth Ik visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rose for the week. Miss Mae Edwards gave n canyon party at the Edwards camp In Logan Lo-gan canyon Monday opening In compliment com-pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Edwards. Ed-wards. Sixteen couples were present. pres-ent. The early part of the evening was spent In making candy. Dell-clous Dell-clous refreshments were served after which the time was passed In dancing. danc-ing. The party returned homo tho same night, having had a most enjoyable en-joyable time. f s. t Mr. and Mrs. Chatman of Salt I.ako wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Nielsen on the Soldiers I Welcome Dny, August 20. They left .Thursday morning for Hear Lake to spend their vacation, and upon returning re-turning will stop a day or so, and Misses Adelaide and Ellen Nielsen will accompany them home for u week's visit, $ "S -9 & Mrs. Alma Sonne gavo a dinner parly Wednesday In compliment to her' sister Mrs. J. R. Wooloy of Fort Worth, Texas. Fifteen guests weio present. Sweet peas were tho table decorations. After tho dinner the guests were entertained with music and social talk. ?$ Mrs. James Plngree, her daughter daugh-ter Merle and two sons Frank and Howard motored from Ogden and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Parkinson, returning homo last evening. ev-ening. . Dr. and Mrs. E. S. nudge returned home from Dear Lake Monday where they have been spending tho doctor's vacation tke past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath of Salt Lake and family are the house guests of Mrs. M. Hanks for a few. days. Miss Agnes Wallwork of Trenton ' Is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hansen for a few days. ? $ Miss Af ton Dullard of Newton, spent the week end, the house guest of Miss Florence Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Waltei I'ypor of Salt Lake who have been visiting here with relatives and friends tho past week, returned home last Saturday. Miss M. A. Torgensen, Miss Atton Odell and Mrs. Fred llalverson of Oakley, Idaho, accompanied them In their car. and will be their guests for a week or ten days. $ At the home of Robert Murdoch Sr a dinner party was given In compliment compli-ment to Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Thatcher and family of Salt Lnke. The table was nicely at ranged In summer flow-, ers. Mne guests weie present. After the dinner, the guests enjoyed a car ride about the city. . Sir. Oiant Cole and Philip Catdon arrived home, fiom llexburg. after n month's stay, visiting Mr. ,and Mrs. C. W. Jones. Mr. Cole's cousin, Cecil Ce-cil Jones, returned with him. -$ 'J- $ Mis. Clinton KJnr nnd children of Munli who have been the houso guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hen-son Hen-son for tho past two months left for their home Friday. && Mr. and Mis. Olen Qulnney r-turned r-turned home from their wedding trip Tuesday which thoy spent at tho Hermitage In Ogden canyon the past week. r . -S -t -t- Mrs. Claude Cave or Ogden and children, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Moses Reese nnd the ballleam to Idaho Falls, for tho game belwein Logan and Rexburg. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Tlyer and family of Tremonton, also Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Kastll .and children of Smlthfield are spending the week end with their mother Mrs. P. A. Nielsen. 4 -b Mr. S. J. Jcppson Jr. of Ogden, after af-ter spending a week at Dear Lake slopped over lust Sunday to visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jepp-sen, Jepp-sen, returning home Monday, Mrs. John Crawford and daughter Miriam spent the early part of tho week In Salt Lake, visiting with relatives rel-atives and friends. They returned home Tuesday. i -5 S Mr. and Mis. Thomas Smart of Salt Lake and daughter Helen spent the forepart of the week visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Powell. They will return to their home Friday. i 1 MIrs Alice Kewley and Hazel Slcv- tns of Salt Lake were tho week end guests nt the Edwards camp In Logan Lo-gan canyon. They letiu'iietl home Sunday. Miss Myrtle Parklson will give a shower at her home In Franklin, In compliment to Mies Karma Parkln-ton Parkln-ton Friday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henderson of Arlmo and Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Ward of Garland, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jeppi-on of Opden are the house guehts of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Jcppson, alro Mrs. W. J. Thorpe of Preston, Idaho, Mrs. Charles Jenkins and daughter ( Hetty aie spending the week in Salt Lake visiting with Mrs. Jenkins inlher. I ?$ f I Mrs. Frank lllulr returned h 'o Tuesday from Sail Lake where sho v.'i-s tho guest of Mr, and Mis. Mnr-' irii ltlalr for tho paBt two weeks. Prof, and Mrs. Georgo li. Hen-drleks Hen-drleks wero tho guests at tho Stewart Stew-art collage In Logan canyon for ono day last week. ' ' . .? .. ., Mr. Francis Holly of Rxburg wnn down for tho games Tuesday and I Wednesday, nnd will visit with relatives rela-tives and friends whll5 hero. I ? i Mr. nnd Mrs. Seth Dlnlr motored to Idaho Falls to alen tho l.n'i game between Rexburg nnd Logan Friday, They will return Sunday. ' Mi-.-, riiarlotte EdmumU ai'i ' home fmui Wales. Utah, rr'l.y wlieio she spent the past two weiU visiting with her brother Cail. .Mr. Edmunds accompanied her home to spend some time with his moil et ami also with his brother Chej.V who will Icavo soon for a mtsai ', the eastern states. ' Mr. Leslie Hickman who JumI relumed re-lumed fiom the Yellowstone park, .stopped In Logan Satuiduy and his, .mother. Mrs. Lucy Hickman, who, has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Daniels nnd her son Professor Pro-fessor Hickman, accompanied M.i j Hickman to their home In Provo the same day. Mr. and Mis. H. A. Pederson gavo a dinner paity Monday evening. i Twenty-three guests were present. Dinner was served at five small tables, tab-les, which had for a centerpiece bright led sweet peas, after which r. detiglitful musical and social evening even-ing was spent. .t. ... .. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ilench nnd chll-ilien chll-ilien lelurned from Rexburg where they have spent tho summer months Mis. Ilench nnd family will remain In Logan duilng tho winter, Mr. i Ilench returning to his business Interests In-terests In Rexburg soon. Mr and Mis. N. Kimball have as their house guests Mr. aud Mrs. John Haidy nnd Mr. John Winder, or Salt Lake, Mr. David Kimball and son Hero of Beat- Lake. Mr. Winder, Wind-er, Mrs. Kimball's brother, letumed home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kimball and children chil-dren accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Whit Kimball of Pieston. Idaho, spent the paBt two wcekR at Red Banks In Logon canyon, returning home last Mondn-. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tiemelllng of Hoytsvlllv, Utah, arrived In Logan last Saturday, and are the guestb of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bell. They will motor to Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Dell Monday. Mr. and Mis. James Thorpe f Providence were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hose on WednsJn; l'hey returned home the same day. i i. -j. Mr. Wlllard Jensen of Salt t.M-e came up for the celebration on the 2(llh, visiting with hliTtiiothui', Mrs. Jensen. j v ? Mr. and Mrs. Dixon of Payson were the guests of Mrs. T. E. Daniels KM-ui KM-ui day. They will return homo Sin'-day. Sin'-day. Mrs. L. F. WllllnuiH of Salt Lit;. City, spent the week with her p.irvnl In Wellsvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Th ininn Poppleton. v Mr. und Mrs. Cjrus Dullcy of Howell, Utah, were visiting In Logan for Hie past week with ndatlves and fi lends. Mr. .and Mrs, It, S. Shaw of Gnr-laud Gnr-laud spent tho forepart of the wee! tlHltlng with Mr. and Mis. E. It. Owen, Ow-en, returning home Thursday. Mr. William Ellis bad for hlr guiHts over August 2rtlti, his son ,a Koliller In the United 'ules army, and I hi oe daughters of li'ohln, Idaho. ... i. Miss Ullen '"eclus let! lldnv for Suit Lake. Shn will visit for a weok or ten days ns the housu guest of Miss Phyllis Romney. $ '$ 'i -j' Mr. and Mrs. AubIIii Potors'-n of I!edmig, Idaho, woro vlaltors In T.o-gnn T.o-gnn for tho Welcome Homo celebration. celebra-tion. ij .j, ,f ,$ It. Smuitliwnllo of Salt Lake who returned front France Sunday, la the guest of Mr. Ernest Earl for the week. 4 $ $ MIhh Nina Johnson of Hyruiu spent Wednesday hero visiting with rel.v tlvcs and friends, returning homo on Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Henry Llojd. ! David II. Llojd. Earl II. Lloyd an; Daniel 11. Lloyd, aiUved In Lx.im from their ranch In Bannock coiiMly Idaho, Wednesday motnlng. and nre the houso guests of their paionts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel L. Lloyd. David and Eail served In the V. s. army nnd took pait In the celebration here on Wednesday. i. i. 4 Held Cardon, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cut don gave a swimming party at the A. C. last Tuesday afternoon to eight of his hoy friends. A delightful II i.. .i -u nt at the pool, after which lunch was Reived at his home. Including a birthday birth-day cake decorated with eight el-low el-low candles. $( .J Mr. and Mis. K. II. Spencer give -i dlnnur party In compliment 'o M and Mrs. Clayton Jenkins of I rivo, Friday evening. Tho table was daintily dain-tily arranged with golden glow. Covers Cov-ers wero laid for six guests. delightful de-lightful social evening was oujoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Walton at..l daughter Ada. who have been tho house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hebe" C. G i cell for tho past five weeks, motored mo-tored to their home In Pocatello, Idaho, Ida-ho, Thursday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Thatcher and family of Salt Lake left for Hear I.ako to spend Mr. Thatcher's vacation. vaca-tion. Aftor our town celebration, Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Murdock Joined them. ''ft'j'JT Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thatcher nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stonoy returned Sunday from Rexburg, Idaho, Ida-ho, where the) went lo attend the ball game, between Logan and Rexburg. Rex-burg. .. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Nlbloy of Salt Lake motored to Logan Monday night. They spent the foieparl of the week with Mrs. Ellen Nlbley and returned home Wedi.esday. Mr. Golden C. IIuiiIh of Hluo Creek was one of the visitors for tho Soldiers 'Welcome Home celebration .Wednesday. He relumed lo his home Thuisday. J y Mr. und Mrs. Emmet Poole of Rexburg Rex-burg and Mr. and Mrs. George Veasy of Ogden and Miss Nellie Lloyd of iRexhuig are spending the week hern lHltlng lelatives and friends. Mr. und Mis. L, D. Nnlsbllt spent lust week motoring thimigh Provo, Ogden and Salt Lake canyon, leturu-ing leturu-ing home. Monday, having Inn1 a most en Joj aide trip. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson of Long Hcurh, Calif., wero the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Euil the last two days, lettirnliig to Ogden .today, 4 Mr. nnd Mis. T. W. Wand of Hy-rum Hy-rum weie the house guests of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Hose the forepart of the week. They relumed home Thursday. . -:. .. f, lleinlcn Parkinson and two sisters of Franklin spent Wednemlay visiting visit-ing with Dr. and Mis. W.'ll. P.ukiii-.ou. P.ukiii-.ou. Tlmy ret til -,d li.i.u-- I'u-'i-i lim i day. Mrs. l)ald Eeelea loft .'or Hox-biug. Hox-biug. Idaho, Wodueaula), nhuro i-li" will bo tho guest of Mrs. W. W. W tors of Hint city fur a week or le days. ., ;. - Miss Afton lallard of Nowtou spout thu week end. the house gueat of Miss Florence Auderson. 5 $ t, j, The two Miss Woods of Rftxhii.ti Idaho, upunt the pant week vlrli.im relatives and LlonJa in Vafolltfr;u- Mrs. D. S. Hrltiton of Sprlngvlllo .A-as tho guest of Dr. and Mrs Reynolds Rey-nolds for the week end. - ag- m - |