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Show COSTA RIGA iSI WARNED BY U.S. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. President Presi-dent JuaViJaTitlsta Quiros of, Costa Rica, successor of T"cderIco Tlnoco, has been notified by the American government that the validity or the Tlnoco constitution or any government govern-ment acting under that constitution would not be recognized by the United Unit-ed States. Tho president transmlttec". a statement state-ment by Secretary Lansing declaring tho United States "has consistently used Its best efforts to maintain peaco in Central America," nnd had made the following representations It- Nicaragua on tho subject. On November 4, 1918, tho president presi-dent of Nicaragua was asked to cx-oicisc cx-oicisc his good offices to prevent any revolutionary activities In that country coun-try directed against Costa Rica. On January 27, 1919, rolteiatlng tho position taken In the previous note. On April 29, 1919, expressing tho hope that "Nicaragua would bo guided guid-ed in this matter by the consideration considera-tion ot the International comity; And on May 23, 1919, urging Nicaragua Nic-aragua to remain neutral In any conflict con-flict between General Tinoco nnd his enemies and to prevent organization of any expeditions In Nicaragua. "The president and government of Nicaragua," Secretory Lansing wrote, "have responded In n gratifying gratify-ing manner to the requosts for their cooperation, nnd tho efllclency of the slops taken to preservn peaco In 'Central America Is Indicated by the fact that the government of the United Un-ited Stutcs Is not advised of any serious collision with defenslvo forces forc-es by nny armed forces seeking to entoi Costn Rica from Nicaragua or Nlcnraguu from Costa Rica." |