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Show "Ml ANNIE L HYDE DIED MONDAY i Mrs. Annie L. Hyde dldc at hor resldonco at Logan, Monday, June 2, at 4:30 p. m. She had been HI fof soveral months mainly with Inflammatory In-flammatory rheumatism and ailments ail-ments incident to old age. Sho had been seriously 111 during the past week so her death was not unexpected. unexpect-ed. The end camo peacefully at the hour stated. Mrs. Ilydo was born In Newport, England, November 6, 1839, and was therefore In her eightieth year. Sho was the daughter of William and Alice Farrell. Her father died whon H she was a girl and she came to Am- erica with her mothor and family In 1853, crossing Jj.no ocean- on the H vjMscl International, with a large H jompaiiy,'of Latter-day Saints. The imr family ,rcslded l'n, Iowa, .six years, coming to -Utah ln"-1859 find'crohHlnp Bi the. plains with ox teams In James H Drowns company. 'In ,tho spring at, H 18C0 they moved to Loyan wrier'o H sho had since resided. Sho man led H Joseph EdwardHyWin 'tJnnuary, B 18C3. Her husband died while re- H turning oni.a. brief mlsatonytp Ens- ' land Jh July 5 ,1 toffs' Dooybe- . log b?J!8t Logn. for burlap Bv Mrs. Hyde was the mother of sev- H en children, three of, whom preceded H her In death. A son and daughter H died' in Infancy aiid'hnbther son John Hj William Hyde passed away about two years ago. She. is survived by H two isons, Joseph' Edward Hyde of H Logan and E. T. Hyde of Salt Lake H City, and two daughters, Mrs. Emma H J. Cates of Long Beach, Calif., and H Mrs. Llllle Dunbar of Logan, alt of B whom were la Logan at the time of V her death. A brother, George L. Far- H rell of Smlthtield, Utah, and a sis- H ter Mrs. Mary Dirdno of Safford, flj Arizona, also survivo her, as well as H a wide circle of relatives and friends. "B Mrs. Hyde was one of the pioneers "K of Logan, coming here when the B town comprised but a few houses and H her brother's home was one of the JHK very first erected in this city. 'k " W As a girl she passed through the m lfiylshlps of pioneer life and always H- displayed great courago and fortl- H tudo, trials incidental to llfo In the H early days. As a girl of fourteen sho walked and rode horseback across tho plains, holplng to drive H cattle and assisting in other ways. H Mrs. Hyde's llfo was a noblo and B, beautiful one. Left a widow with H. five children under tho ago of four-H four-H teen, thonceforth she' spent her life HL in caring far them. Sho was noted Jk for her reflnomnt, purity of thought w nnd action and kindness to othcrB. V, She was a faithful Latter-day K Saint, and died with the faith and Bj hope of a happy reunion with her I" loved ones on tho other side flr The funeral will bo held .Thursday H Juno 5, BM Funoral services will bcFheld In H' tho Scocnd ward meetinghouse to- H' day at 2 p. m. ' . - |