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Show ENiPOWNMENTS FORJUTAH A.C. A veritable flood of gifts nnd endowment, en-dowment, expressive ot tho lovo ot the public, tho faculty nnd tin students for tho Institution, will mark tho Twenty-fifth Annual Com moncemont of tho Utah Agricultural College Most Important of these la tho Johansson Scholarship Endowment Endow-ment ot five thousand dollars given under the Trusteoshlp of the Honorable Honor-able H. E. Hatch by C. S. Johansen ot Logan. The proceeds Will bo divided divid-ed into two equal scholarships to bo awarded to worthy Btudents of high scholastic attainments. Only ,'JunIor and Senior studentt may secure these scholarships. The Liberty Loan scholarship, to bo given for tho first time next year represents a ono thousand dollar Liberty Loan Bond ot tho Second Issue given to tho institution by tho faculty and students. This scholarship scholar-ship will bo awarded annually during dur-ing tho last quarter, of tho school year to a worthy student 'who has demonstrated scholastic ability. Flvo hundred dollars has boon added to tho Senior Loan fund by tho class of 1918. From this fund loans nro made to students who need financial assistance as-sistance to completo tho school year. An annual scholarship ot fifty dollars dol-lars given by the U. A, O. Facultj Women's League has 'Just been an- jf jnouncod also. This scholarship Is to ,'n I be given to a deserving student In jMt tho School ot Home Economics. The -WI class ot 1917 has given to the In- ) J tntltutlon threo valuable Western I'm Union regulated clocks. "U Ono ot tho most Interesting gifts ' JH announced ut this Commencement ifl U the Lois Haybalt Homo Economics 'M Modal, to bo uwardod each yoar to 9 tho young woman ot tho School ot fl Jlomo Economics who represents the IjH r highest type ot womanhood, -A , VH :T . $&&ym |