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Show BBBBBBBh H s NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS BH'r ' BBB A mooting of the Stockholders of BBB the West Cache Sugar Co. Is called BBB V for today, June 1st at 2 p. m., at the BBBB ., Commercial Club rooms. BBBB ' ERNEST R. WOOLEY, BBBB' Adv. President BBBfl. EvV lyfotice 0f Stockholders K , Meeting BBBB ' ' BBB; BBBBj, The postpsned stockholders meet- BBBj' tag of the Logan' Oarage & Supply BBBM- ,A ,, Company will be held at their pake BBBBj of builnrn on Monday, June 10, at BBBBV 7:30 p. m. The financial report of BBBBJ" ' the company will be rendered and a BBBBJ board of directors elected tor tho BBBBJ ensuing year and such other bust- BBBJ ees transacted as should properly BBBBJ come before thiti meeting. H C WALTERS, BBjBJ ' T Advt. 6-1 Secretary, BBBBJW BBBBl 'v' Chautauqua season tickets for sale BBBBJ3'' .aUThe, Republic, nofflee. U BBBBl BBBBm-1'' ' Notice Of Stockholders M Meeting " ;9 Tho postponed annual stockholders hV meeting of tho American Steam v sjtS Laundry will be held at their place 'M$ of business on Tuesday, June 11, at .P1 7:30 p. m. The financial report of li'i' tho company will be rendered and a "lilr-'' board ot directors elected for the ?m ,7 ensuing year, and such other busl- ''?' ness transacted as should properly wijt come before the meeting. (TBl J. C. WALTERS, Secretary. Wit Advt. 6-1. K |