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Show STRONG FACULTY ANNOUNCED FOR NEXT YEAR A remarkablo strengthening of tho faculty of the, Utah Agricultural College will bo Indicated at the Twenty-fifth annual commencement exercises today when President E. O. Peterson announces new appointments appoint-ments for next year. Practically tho entire present faculty will bo re-talnodi re-talnodi In addition many new'ilamcs will appear on tho faculty roster Tor next year. In particular will tho School of Homo Economics bo strengthened. Miss Jessie Whltmore, a prominent member of the faculty of the Ohio Stato, University, will become, professor pro-fessor of foods; Miss Malissa Hunter of tho faculty of 'the University of Indiana will become- Instructor In foods; Miss Rozina Skldmoro of the Branch Agricultural College at Cedar City, will become Instructor In domestic arts, and Miss Elizabeth Underwood, a member of tho s 1918 graduating class of tho U,tah Agricultural Agri-cultural College, will become instructor in-structor In household management. Of special importance is the creation crea-tion of a new department .In the School of Agriculture, that of Range Management. Mr. R. J. Becratt of the United States Forest Service, will be given charge of this department depart-ment with tho title of Assistant Professor. The Utah Agricultural College Is the first institution of -Its kind to organize a department of Range Management. The range problems of Utah and the West .are so numerous and varied that the new department will meet needs long felt. . Other appointments announced are those of Heber Oberhansley of the Richfield High School to be, and Miss Bessie Eaton of the Murray High School to be assistant State Club Leaders, and that of J. R. Jennings to bo County Agricultural Agent for Washington county. Mr. Lester Richardson of the Extension Ex-tension Division of tho Utah Agricultural Agri-cultural Collego, In chargo of farm management demonstrations for Utah, has just loft tho stato to attend at-tend a conforenco of faun management manage-ment demonstrators ,of tho states' of tho North and West to bo held at Chicago from Juno 3 to 9. This con-1 con-1 forence, which If called by tho States Relations Service of tho United States Department of Agriculture, will lay plans for next years work, and will dlBCuss tho special problems brought about by the war. In particular par-ticular will the problem of farm accounts ac-counts bo Rtudlod. An attompt will bo mado to outllno a system of farm accounts applicable to all of tho stnus tho North and West. I - On his return, Mr. Richardson will study the work in farni management man-agement in Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Colorado. |