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Show Mr. and Mrs. Doige of 'ark City pre visiting at the home of John Knud-son Knud-son in ICopperfield. . iMrs. Jane Jackson and Mrs.- Elmer Whitley spent last week visiting in Salt Lake, Lyndon and Pleasant Grove. Mr., and Mrs. Boyd Barnard and children have returned from a two weeks' visit in Salt Lake. Mr. S. J. Schuster has moved his family to Salt Lake. The G. G. G. G. club were entertained enter-tained Thursday of last week by Mrs. Eugene Chandler. Five hundred was played. Mrs. R. G. Frazier won the first prize and Mrs. Josh Carpenter tha consolation. The guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. John A. Wade, Mrs. J. F. Flynn, Mrs. Louis Benton, Mrs. Harold Walker, Mrs. R. G. Frazier, Mrs. M. A. Cotter, Mrs. Joe Nordon, Mrs. Josh Carpen-1 ter, Mrs. Joseph Manwaring, Mrs. Roy Schilling. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. Mrs. G. E. Lindelof and children returned re-turned Sunday from a three months' visit in Illinois. Mrs. Joe Kemp, Sr., of Park City spent Sunday with her son and his family, Joe Kemp. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Carpenter were in Salt Lake several days this week. Mrs. Frank Cook left Tuesday morning for a visit in Richfield with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ford spent . Sunday in Salt Lake. J Mrs. James Bogan and daughter are in Park City for a few days. Misses Louise and Olive Williams of Chicago are visiting with their aunts, Mrs. G. E. Lindelof and Mrs. Leonard Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Davis and daughter daugh-ter Jennie and Mrs. Irene Lamb spent the week-end in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ackerman entertained en-tertained a few friends Saturday evening even-ing of last week. Cards were played. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Ralls, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kent and W, D. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Carpenter and sons spent the week-end in Union. Mrs. Varley of Ogden Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Ira Davis. William Harwood and family have returned from a vacation spent at Saratoga Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook of Highland High-land Boy entertained the Card club Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Alma Jones won the ladies' first prize and Mrs. Sig Praggastis the consolation. consola-tion. Mr. .Maurice Bee won the men's first and Mr. Sig Praggastis the consolation. con-solation. N. S. Gibson is the new Western Union operator for Bingham, superceding super-ceding Mr. Arthur Alexander, who will be called to a better post. H. N. Standish made a . trip to Provo last Sunday in his Ford and was accompanied by his son Lawrence Law-rence and family. They spent most of the day up Provo canyon. Mrs. Julia Casper and Lillas Casper, cousins of Judge J. C. Green and Henry Green,' left Monday for their home in San Francisco after spending several days in Bingham with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Greathouse are spending ten days at Fish Lake on their vacation. J. W. Matthews returned from Kem- merer, Wyo., the early part of the , week, where he went on business. D. H. Mudd, vice president of the J. C. Penney company, with headquarters headquar-ters in St. Louis, was here Friday of last week inspecting the local store, which is the third of the original stores. Mr. Mudd Was one of the pioneer pio-neer partners In this wonderful growing grow-ing business. Last week we announced that P. H. Service of the Bingham State bank had a boy but instead it was a girl baby. Newspaper men are not always al-ways right, they sometimes make mistakes mis-takes as well as other people, so consider con-sider the weakness of human nature and be charitable and we will hope for better luck next time. Mrs. Kate Cicala, sister of Mrs. A. Anderson, who has been a Bingham visitor for some weeks, left last Saturday Sat-urday for Elko, Nev., where she will spend a few weeks visiting her mother, who resides in that city. The Women's Civic club held its regular weekly business meeting Thursday evening at the home of Msr. A. C. Cole in Markham Gulch. Mrs. C. E. Carey returned home last Wednesday after a four months' visit with her mother, Mrs. John Swan of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dahlquist, Tom Dahlquist and Miss Cecile Geffen motored to Salt Lake last Saturday. Jack and Paul Batt of New York City were entertained Saturday by Mrs. Cecile Geffen. It was their first visit here and they were lavish in their praise of the scenery and industry indus-try of the great copper camp. . FOR SALE Flynn apartments in Markham Gulch. Every apartment Is rented. Income over $2,000 a year. Twenty per cent quaranteed on your investment. A-31 |