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Show . B ' THE PUBLIC INTEREST BB IN BASEBALL BB To millions of men In stores, of- BB ' "C(s and factories, spring begins tho BB' ' ' Iaj w'len t,1Q major league teams BB j' ' pitch tho first ball. To them tho BBT I newspapers, previously dull and tamo BJB ,I0'V tako on thrilllug Interest and BBI ' aro cnKrly Bought for nnd read. BH Tho Intense popular interest cxclt- BB' , cd by baseball nnd other sports Is BJB . deplored by philosophers. It occupies BJB ' tho attention, not merely of that BBI great host of men so situated that BBI they can attend leaguo games, but BB ' or millions nil over tho country. In BBI' every cross roads section you find BB) young mou who poro over tho scores BBI ' of l'' 'b leagues, the local teams, BBI nr"' nl,0r leagues representing their BJB:J own stato and section. BJB There nro ninny nowspapers today BBT ,. "'"t during tho height of tho season BBj' glvo a pago or two to baseball. BBI Meanwhile tho same papers might BBI ""' B'vo ' n column to n debato In BB-' Congress. To serious minded per- B, ""R- "ttentlon Is thus diverted from BBb problems of social advanco to pur- BBW suits that aro wholly trilling. BBT Yct "l0 BTUno meu wll study so BBI ' exhaustively tho box scores would BBI '' never bo reading Congressional do- BBjj bates or literary reviews. Perhaps BBI "'" tremendous Interest In sport to- BBT day has had something to do with tho BJB dorllno of tho yellow novel. Many BBT I f us can remember how In our hoy- BJB ' Ixd our comrades would steal off BBT '" "io ,my mow to rea1, T'10 i,io(i' BJB Tlutchor's Hrlilo, or Tho Demon of HJB Dandelion Den, and othor gory trash. BJB "Whoovcr sees anyone reading that BJB 'nl ' Btun today? BJB Tho samo typo of fellow today Is BJB leading about tho sale of Trls Spoak- BJBY or, nnd arguing with his mates about BJBT lbQ l,row8a and records of favor I to BJB) ' pitchers. At any rato, as compared BJBT "Hh the cheap novel, It Is an Inter- BJB y i est In real skill as cgalnst a falso BBfti' kk. bbwwbbbbba bbtt:bbbbbbk Ebbbbbbbbhbbhbbbbbbbbbi I aud'imposatblo dreamland of Action. With many men, baseball fills a void that could bo much worso occupied. |