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Show -" One-Piece Frocks for " Summerls Goatless Days i ' Serge, Linens," Pongees and Tussahs Popular, Plain and Striped ' Soft Colors Liked Grays, Pinks, Blues Now York, June 27. Just at this time of the year, when wo are all of us finding tho coat very irksome indeed, in-deed, one piece frocks play a most Important role. Of courso there never nev-er is a closed season for them, but at this time their real charm Is best appreciated. Fabrics Important Considerations Aside from the simple trim models of serge, gabardine, faille, and taffeta, taf-feta, which ono meets everywhere on tho nvcnuo these bright days, the shop windows aro gay with vollei, McCtll Ul ' Russian Blouse of Embroidered Bi-tlste Bi-tlste With Plain Tuttah Skirt nets, figured organdies, and the ddln-ty ddln-ty Imported tottons, fashioned Into frocks, which ere wonderfully appealing. appeal-ing. Each day new models appear, no two exactly alike, though obviously obvious-ly of tho sarao family, each seeming if possible, daintier than those launched laun-ched before. Frills, narrow and wide, cobweb llko laces and embroideries embroid-eries and layer after layer of the sheerest of fabrics aro used to create cre-ate tlieso full skirted, fluffy frocks, for summer dances, country club afternoons, af-ternoons, and tho thousand nnd ono ether requirements of the summer plajtlme. Interesting Tub Frocks Of course, mnny of theso dainty Into trimmed, befrllled Ilngerio frocks are anything but economical when ono considers that they will not launder, but must , be cleaned each time they aro soiled. However, I there aro many dainty materials which will launder and make up ok effectively figured voiles, colored handkerchief linens, crepes, many of tlie organdies, nnd most of tho Imported Im-ported noolty cottons when simply trimmed. A particularly effectho summer frock, suitable for almost any daytime day-time occasion, illustrated here, Is developed de-veloped in a dotted llo, a whitii ground embroidered with a soft phut dot; tho flounce Is of embroidered batiste, Just tinted to match tho dot. The satin girdle, which is In a darker dark-er tone, affords tho necessary touch 1 of sharp contrast. Color Combinations Colors, more perhaps, than almost anything olso, should be chosen, not according to tho shades which ara fashtonablo, but for their becoming-ness. becoming-ness. Thoro aro certain tones which aro more becoming than others, and theso should be selected. It Is not a difficult matter to do this this season, sea-son, for, although wo hear of the seriousness se-riousness of tho dyo situation on ev-j cry hand, thoro seems to bo no dearth of beautiful shades, Tho many shades of gray aro popular for muslins mus-lins and silks; and tho soft pinks and blues predominate In tho cool, pretty wnlstlngs. Navy blue is always al-ways favored nnd this. summorvit is ns popular as ever for serge, taffeta and linen suitings. Checks and stripes vie for favor with the Plain colors, being used for skirts, combined with dark coats and for one ploco frocks. Pongees and tussahs, with tho natural tan ground, figured or striped ln soft tones of green, rose, tan orange and llko colors, col-ors, are being used for tho Russian blouse frocks, such as tho ono hero shown, combining the figured nnd plain material as Illustrated. Tho MCCILL Embroidered Voile and Tinted Batiste Flouncing linen suitings are striped In tho same colors, giving much the same effect. These Russian blouse suits and dresses are well liked for sports and. also for more formal wear. For instance, in-stance, tho frock, illustrated is developed devel-oped In embroidered bntlste combined combin-ed with a skirt of plain whlto tus-sah, tus-sah, making a dainty, cool frock for summer afternoons. |