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Show FRED W. KARREN il ' IhvhI : HH ' BHhb ' hLh 1111 fiH ill IHil M !HH - '&H HH hI 'vhI HH 'MMU . 'M jH A great many readers of Tho Lo- gun Republican will recognize tho HH above photograph as that of Fred W. ICarron, formerly of lowlston, a son of Mr. and Mrs, Hyrutu Karrcn. Mr. kwii Karren recently enlisted as a soldier iKI in the British army at Magrath, Al- MhI bertft Canada. Ho was made a com HH mlsslonod olllccr with tho tltlo of H lieutenant. There wcro forty-nluo en listed at Magrath. ,H At the demonstration meotlng hold H for Alderman Karren and tho other Hj noblo boys In tho ranks, Hon. M. H HH Roberts of Salt Lake City was In at B tendance and said in part: HH "If I bad a sbn and was a citizen jJ of thjs great Dominion and a subject H of this mighty omplro," dcclarod lie with emphasis, "nothing would ploano H mo moro than to seo him volunteer .H Uko a man In defense of his country. And if ho foil with Uls comrades HJ thoro would be everlasting comfort ,HH In knowing that ho died a brave and jJ worthy son doing his duty. And do H not bo deluded sncrlflces of blood lf must bo mado to establish any great jHH principle. Anglo Saxon liberty wai !H only secured by the best blood of H past generations, and It will be thus iH with rospect to tho future world HH movement for tho common good." HH |