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Show I FRANCISCO VILLA I SHOT BY MEXICAN H Asserts Villa Wounded In the Leg. Hj Ultimate Fate of Chief Is Ut Unknown H Flold Headquarters, Mexico, .Time H 2C -Francisco Villa was shot from IH tho rear by a Mexican ho had lm- Hj picssed Into his gang during the bat- H tie with Carranza troops at Guerrero H but his fato Is still unknown, nc- H cording to a scml-ofllclal account IB given out hero today obtained by uH f Major Robort L. Howzo who was M cIoso " Villa's trail last April. The H Offlcor learned tho details of the H bandit chief's wounding from ono of H tho Mexicans Villa drafted and 'Alio H afterward deserted. H The details of the story tally occj- rately with .all tho facts American of- 'fleers have obtained In their, chase H and their Independent secret servlco H ork, but tho account does,' not xayi vhothar tho bandit died or recovered. M Villa, tho Mexlclan deserter said, jl exhibited every evidence of terror 7fJtW during tho early stages of his flight, Tji after tho Americans had defeated his H men at Guerrero. IIo asserted he be- U lleved that Villa was dead, but It Ue H still wore alive ho was In tho state H of Durango, for which point ho was M heading during tils flight from Gen. H Pershng's men. Tho men Vila Impressed ft El H Vell oftor tho Columbus raid, accord. H lng to tho deserter, were behind Villa H during tho attack on Guerrero, and H intended to assasslnato him In order 9 to go over to tho CarranzUtas. H Their plan failed, however, becuuso H the town surrendered Just after Villa M foil, with a largo lead bullet In iU Sm (Continued on Page Eight) FRANCISCO VILLA! (Continued from page one) I right leg. Tho missile entered his I leg Just back of the knee Joint, and I crmo out through tho shin bone, I atom four Inches down. After ser- H eral days, tho Mexican said, tho leg I turned black about 12 Inches above I and bolow tho wound. I "Tho day after tho Guerrero flglit," I Hie deserter who said ho drove the wagon carrying Villa, continued "VII- H la prepared to leave for the south, as I he had learned tho Americans were H at Nnmbnjlpa. He left Beltrnn with I tho principal part of his army at I Guerrero and started toward Parral. He took 1C0 men, commanded by H Nicholas Hernandez, H "During the flight he lost his cour- I ago, and at times appeared unconscl- I ous. He would cry like n child anl I curso me when the wagon Jollied H over a rock. After we passed San H Antonio and started through the I mountains the torture became too I great for him, and he was carried In H a Utter. Ho ate little and appeareJ-- to bo growing weaker every day. ""air They always hid him during the I night." Tho desertpr declared ho knew nothing of Villa's movements after M reaching a place called Haucho Col I rado. |