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Show M You Must See These Values 4& ' GJm A A sP,endld Lasts Perfect "J V fill V fllT Anrl vW "" fltters st"lsh toes' ex- JS J)L.JU, JJJ.UU flIIU cellent quality. Broken JX hrt r-n H lots that's the reason. XX I hi I H. Tans, Browns, Russetts 8 . : J' JU ; and Wines. Sizes 2 , -3 J M OXFORDS - ift6- " After today youpay more Hp- r o Write Chambers' Medicine To., Doo-ley Doo-ley Dlock, Salt Lake City, for a sample sam-ple of their guarontecd Dyspepsia Tablets, No cure, io pay Is Just what we mean when wrffsny we guarunteo these tablets. Write their physlclcn for advice. Sold exclusively and tuar-anteed tuar-anteed by Coop Ding Co. ! THE HALL OF FAME. i EDOAII ALLAN POE-Cele- Z brated poet and short story writ- 3, cr. liorn Bos- t ' pJHiW ,on ,'nn' 10' 1 wMKS&f 1(M0- Son ot 1 ijiA&W actors, be was 4 X XlnBf adopted by 7 m John Allan of $ X VJBBb Richmond and X ? BBBrBBft edu cated In T & VmYpBt America and Z J BBBP' K n g 1 a u d. 4 3 Spent some time at West Point, X t but was expelled. On being dls- ' A 'owned by his adopted father he T made a precarious living with T his pen, editing various period- Icnls. writing criticisms nnd turn- ', , T 'lng out an occasional poem or ( S short story, .the most finished ? 9 and exquisite that hnd yet ap- r peared In America. "The Ita- ),! Y Ten" was published In 1843 nud 2, almost Immediately took rank as 4 X one of the great short poeacs of ''.. 1 the world. "The Bells" nnd "An- -,-'S'nabel Lee"; bad almost ns greaf S',i T vogue. Uls remarkable short i stories are still read widely 'lu '"'k J 1847 Poe'M wife died, and he was v ,& hniself,J(very ill. He ncvey 1 seemed to recover from the bloW 'g 5' nnd (two years latfr was picked X t 2 up In the streets of Baltimore in r a dying condition. $ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Threo 6r four nice 'rooms for rent. A. B. Cheney, ?8 South Second East. -,-,-, .-,. ,. ,,.- -i - v-, --, ... FOH KENT Two furnished room at lorreU'B 79 W. First South, nell phque 304 red, tt A COOK WANTED with references:' Apply 169 East Center. tt For sale New tour room cottage, bath, pantry, closet, 6x12 lot. Cash or terms. 320 B. First South. ,tt FOUIITEEN YEAR"OLD" TJOY wants work In otoro or office. Is - a graduate from the district school. Apply Ap-ply this office. NOTICEA responsible party mny have free uso or twenty ncrcs or land near Logan If ho will plant tho same nnd keep up taxes. Apply at otice to Dr. I. P. Stewart. I 'I jWNCEMENNSDTc. Co.j H ., i M We desire to inform our manyvpatrons and friends that the Ladies' Department (of D. R. C Co ) Si H i S .formerly located in the Campbell Block is now at 77 North Main. Your presence is re- HE ; j, M quested at our big opening as we are offering special bargains, in all lines. We are now ffi HT ' W on the ground floor with Ground Floor Prices. Ladies' Misses and Children's Wearing Apparel If B,( :j Consisting of representee lines from leading New York Manufacturers. New Shipments just Q H i" having been held specially for the opening. tffa m Dnbai - Robinson - Campbell Gfapan.yl BBBBc rf - Y? JBlBBk. '"" HkbbM L " BMWIMtgaMt.wr " nrr,,,iiiiijtjiijMi)jBBBBBBBMBMBiBBB |