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Show GRAVES OF DEAD 1 ARE DECORATED I Logan's Memorial Day A Very Quiet One I JOHNSON'S GROVE OPENS UP I MANY SPEND THE DAY IN BOAT- jj H ING, BATHING AND jv H DANCING. jH I Memorial day passed oft very ll quietly lu Logan yesterday, tho peo- ,1 M pie being mainly occupied lu decora- j M ting tho graves of tho departed loved ones. A regular stream of carriages and nutos pllod between tho city and H the cemetery, nnd flowers wero taken '' M In clothes baskets, hampers, etc., and '' M wero scattered nround In profusion. H Many a loved one's gravo received H attention by nil classes, tho soldlor, H tho sailor, the artisan, tho rich and ' H poor alike, nnd Memorial day, origin- H ntlng ns it did from out tho war of H tho early sixties, has como to bo rcc j H ognlzcd ns a holiday of nntlonnl tin- . H port and where nil mankind can get ' H out and with flowers nnd decorations, , H keep green the memory of those who H hnve gono before Into the vnle of '' H tears. n.'l It was n fitting day, tho ' weather H was splendid nnd Old Sol with ra jj H dlnnt faco looked down on those In '1 holiday attire, with n satisfied smllo I'l that staid old Logan intended to keep 9 H ill) tho holiday in Its quaint old fash- ji B toned way. , H Many Nlmrods went out with rod ,1 nnd Hue to troll for the festive suck- 11 cr nnd tho sportlvo chub, while quite 1 a few went up the canyon for a pleas- ipl uro ride to view- tho works of naturo nnd td drink In tho pure ozone that ji'1 came cool and sweet from the snow M capped mountain sides. M Johnson's Grove Opens. nM Tho opening of Johnson's Grove , M was most auspicious. Away from the M chaos of city life, people hied them iH selvos to this beauty spot with lunch jH baskets filled to the brim with cat !H ables and enjoyed thomselves. There H was boating, bathing, dancing and 'tl otbor amusements. A baseball game H was played botween tho "remains" of H the old Uooster club nnd one from H Providence Tho game was most rag- H ged, while tho umplro may have been (' H a little one sided which eventually H caused a break which ended in a ces- fl satlou of hostilities with tho score at X I 7 to 4 In favor of Providence. Prof. H Johiibon, the hypnotist did some ul stutits but tho lack of a band made 'M the day a little monotonous, ' Ul M |