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Show ' ' ' ' just a little Paint. Right now when everything In nature is beginning to look fresh and bright. A little paint lr will go a long way towards brightening up the many old i things around tho placo porcl -chairs and seats, lawn mowers, any of th- farm or gar- ' den Implements and dozen of , , jj things Inside (he house. All t need a little tquohlrtc up. We've paint all ready touse f for any purpose. Put up In any slo cans ou rriay wlshand I any color ou may fancy f Ilrop in and get a color card . a and we will tell you more about p it. Of course we've blushes jf to put the paint on w Ith, 10c up v f RITER BROS.DRUG CO., LOGAN, Utah. ' Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. A Pleasing Husband makes a contented woman. Hint to the wife: Use Central Hour in biscuit I making and see a sercnj smile creep over the phvsiognomy of your spouse. Try It once- you'll use ft alway. ' Central Milling Go. LOGAN, UTAH. I Profits by Experience. H Business men concede that a bank account Is essential to standing and m success, if regarded only as a creden-B creden-B tlal and a convenience in trading. B How much more Is it necessary for the man of small Income? Yet the B -laying down of a single dollar on our B counters will start an account. Yes, K we pay interest. Full information for R those interested 1 Cache Valley Banking Company I LOGAN, UTAH 1 1 - Out New Stock of I lkALLPAPR! If has Jtfst Arrived I J" WE ALSO HANG YOUR PAPER. S I $ 1 if We have just finished unloading 4 fr I car loads df FURNITURE, consisting of $ I Brass and Iron Beds,. Bedroom suites, f I ?!" Dressers, Side boards, Parlor suits, odd I 5l chairs, Ladies' writing desks, book cases, i hattrees and the finest line of Rockers in $. I -Jf the land. jt 1 ir Do not forget to look over our up to date, I $ carpets and Rugs before buying as we can J? I ! save you money. iji If LUND STRUM r Furniture & Carpet Co., $ I $ ONE-HALF BLOCK WEST ol THATCHER BROS' BANKING CO, $ I J J. SMITH, M. I). . Physician and Surgeon. AM.CILM Prompt Tn.rriioNC fcS-S ly Atteniieu To . - Jr-B SMITHFIELD - UTAH. & hjhjhjhj i MEN'S AND BOY'S 5 I (P ,- i - k fl j :?" Work :?& I I I Shoes HI I ' 2 Howell & Crawford's j H Logan's Foremost Shoe Dealers. J H NEVER UNDERSOLD. I The Danielsen Disc Plow! I I IS TAKING THE LEAD. I I 1BHHBI H I We guarantee this if H X plow to break alfalfa V H . ground and cut every x H root. Farmers antic- JL H -jf ipating buying should t, H $? not fail to examine the W M & good points of the Dan 2 . ielsen Disc Plow; they tW x are above all others. t The plow speaks for ''X M $ itself. Ask those who jfc M lift have purchased them , 4p M 4fc and you be convinced. jt One disc can be detach M rjf ed and a subsoiler M i!L used in its place. 'X, M T I- .! . 0 ! . . ft t. t t .it -I !' ' !' ft il'tfe -I. l. H : ". : : : : : : : : : ! : :- :- Z ! ! : -: Tv : : :- " "I ! l -tT ' 'I "f 'I -" ! "t M T if rT M I SPRING UNDERWEAR! . I Vests, t I Union Suits and I I Hosiery. I I I Logan Knitting Factory I 145-147 Main Street - - Logan, Utah f ' M . A A. .t .. .i. . i . . . ib w. ! . t- 4 -. .1 l& 4- . lj' H " ! ! 5- . !- -- ! ! I' ! ! -i- ! v ! !- ! I ? ? f H ' 4f t- if if i -I -t f t- 1- if t it t ' H .. ,t ! ' - -i ' ' ' - if- ! ' . 1 -! ..9 . . ! .- "! . . . I- . -. ! I -. .-. -r .- . ! . . . !- H f -Jrjf t H.e. HANSEN t I Vi if Real Estate and In I I f suranve. $ I $ I fr Edwards Block. Phone Ux. tt I I 'I |