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Show PLAY FAIR. H Tlie follow Ingfiom t lood win's Week- H ly Isa most sane i xpiession in reg.ud H to the dlillculty at the A. C. of U. and H should commend itself to all directly H and indirectly interested in that dlfll- H culty. Goodwin's Weekly says: L "Regarding the trouble in the BBBji Agricultural college, it seems to us BBff there should bo a complete investiga- BBT ' Hon. A writer in the Tribune makes iH ' out that Pres. Kerr isa dominating autocrat, and gives a list of the members mem-bers of the faculty that he has crow ded out. How much truth there may be in the general statement wc have no knowledge, but we know that It Is BBtt noL a" true' Profevsor Dryden Is an BBi old friend. We have his letters writ- BB1 ten when he left Logan for Hoicmau, BBI and another letter explaining why, on BjBJ account of the health of his family, he BBk was forced to seek a lower altitude. BBI Ho is now at Aurora, N. Y., near l!uf- BjBJ "In all his letters there has never BB been a word of criticism of Pres. Kcfr. BjBJ Wc have no Interest whatever in the BjBJ matter of the school except such as BjBJ any citizen should have, but tlicie BjBJ have been a good many circumstances BBV In connection with the troubles In BB Logan which, put together, Indicate BB that there Is something behind the BBV trouble that has not c' been brouglit BBB out. ilence wc think there should be an open investigation. For Governor H. 'rr bS r'Bak m MbbHb. JJ Cutler to fire the whole boird and ap-1 point a new one, would not satisfy the people There should be a full, open Investigation at which every one with i a grievance should bo heard, every one Judged on his merits and Justice be done. It would be easy to ruin the. clllclcncy of the school by direct and half secret methods; It Is one of the splendid features of tho stale and should be kept "no. And the way to proceed Is to find out in a direct and open way where the present trouble lies and to remedy It. If In doing so some heads fall, why, so be it, for the school Is of vastly more Importance than any Individual. A siuaro deal Is the only thing to put In pract cc; If anything else Is tiled the school will lose Its prestige, Its Influence and usefulness. Goodwin's Weekly hits the nail squarely on the head. Investigate all phases of the dlillculty honestly, honorably, hon-orably, thoroughly and then let decisive de-cisive action be taken. Many charges against Mr. Kerr have been inade-now inade-now let those who have talked most and charged most support these charges, and if it be proved that Pres. Ketr isatyiant, has no sympathy sym-pathy with the Agricultural department depart-ment of tho school, Is a dlvciterof funds, Isa shrewd politician manipulating manipu-lating the college to his advantage and the disadvantage ol others politically, politi-cally, Is a discriminator against Republicans Re-publicans and Utah cducatois, is a polygamlst, Is expensive beyond lea-son, lea-son, etc, If these things be proved In an honest Investigation, then remove Mr. Kcir. Also let the other phases of this dlillculty bo Investigated no less thoioughly. Tiik Rki-uiiucan has fiom the start contended for fairness, fair-ness, and that alone. Tim IIki'Uhm-uan IIki'Uhm-uan Is against any attempt of politicians politi-cians to make of that school or any other school a center of political activity, ac-tivity, and Is against the summary ousting of any man from any public position without a thoiougli investigation investi-gation in which he may have an opportunity op-portunity to face spcclllc charges and his accuseis. Tiik Rki-uhlican Is not prepared to say what such an Investigation In-vestigation would bring forth in all instances, but is certain that If there ' is not forthcoming fiom some source I greater pioof of the charges than can ' be found In recent editions of Truth, The Tribune and the Dcscict Farmer, Mr. Kerr will enicigo from the fray unscathed while his accuseis must mire in their own wallow. |