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Show I ' Salt Lake City Directory I I Richi?Tvans m Salt Lake City's Leading Hoicl 30 South Main Street. 1'liouc Mil I EUROPEAN PLAN . n..,.., , cB,,i,i, I AMERICAN PLAN r,0ra' D",ns a SPecla,,V' I Local and Lour Distant phone In Orders by mail or phone promptly I every room. attended to. 1 Cullen Hotel. R.H. Officer & Co w West Second South st. Modern ASSAYCSS AND CHEMISTS m and up-to-date. Hates 12.00 109 South West TemplcStrcct. m per day. Samples sent by mall or express m S. C EWING, Prop. receive prompt and careful atten- M ' r tlon. I Windsor Hotel ' B. G. Morris Floral Co,," I Centrally located. South of Ken- os- ,,0BDAY' Manager. 9 yoP Hotel, Main Btrcct. Floral Designsand Decorations m Euiopcan plan, Hates reasonable. ""'" vo ,, " """""'" M State trade solicited. Hates Hranch 52 E. 2nd S. Phono 8.13. 50 cents and up. McCOHNIOK BUILDING I Lindsay Rogers Fluff Rug Works 1 Look for Big 7 kBBHIBfiB M IT'S IMRR'S CIOAR STORE. "J0" ""ADK KEVEKSllILT: HUGH W maun from old Carpets. o. 230 West 7 West Second South Street. South Temple. Pamphlet on application 1 I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I 1 OF LOGAN, UTAH. S Capital $50,000.00 9 SUHPLUB AND UNDIVIDKO PitOKITS $25,000.00 9 Do your banking business at the Fhst National, the only National 9 Bank in Cache county. Under supervision of the United States B Government. Safety for deposits. m Prompt, progressive and up to date. We want jour business. M We pay four percent interest on time deposits. Interest compounded m quarterly M W. S. McCoitNiciv, President. Allan M. Fi.kmino, Cashier. M .Taeks CJuaylk, Vice President II. E. Cuockett. A ss't. Cashier. 9 LIST OF DIRECTORS: M ' W. S. McCounick, .Tajiks QuaVlk ' .'osKrii F. Smith X John II. Anderson. Thos. Smaut Sokkn Hanskn. M C.C.Goodwin. C. W. Ewlkv. Allan M. Fleming 9 c L m HOTEL EAGLE iSiNiSrTw R00MS 50c' 75c and $l,0 I MSyYmmk RESTAURANT in Connection. I stmi Majn s Loga!1) m 19 i I You Should Know What Flowers and Vegetables you Wish 9 to Grow. LARGEST STOCKS IN NORTHERN UTAH and Idaho, and con- sists of Six Hundred Varieties. 1 II. Smurtlmaitc Grain and Seed Co. 9 West CenterStreet, Logan. DON'T rORGET THE CORRECT ADDRESS I I ft SIlPi" GRAN0E I The Scenic Line 9 To Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, X Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points 9 East. Connecting at Ogdcn Union Depot with all Southern Pa- 9 cltlc and Oregon Short Line trains. U The only. Transcontinental 9 Lino passing directly through Salt Lake City. 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between OGDEN AND DENVER J Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. I THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING GARS 9 To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without H change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Peisonally Conducted Ex- H curslons. DINING OARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. Wf wammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMBmmmmmmBmmammm I For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklots, etc., inquire of your H , nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande 9f ' ..route, or address.,.. B L C. BENTON, GPAD, Salt Lake City Oregon Short Line R. R. CACH E VALLEY TIME CARD No. II. Dally. No, 15. Daily Mixed, l'ocatello S;5 p. m ..2:30 . tn Salt t.aUo SMS " Iltt3l.m 0den 7sl5 " 1:3 " CaclieJct. ft:JS 5:30am Mcndon B:13 " 0:00 " Logan 0:30 " 8: " Smlthfleld 0:13 " 7:00 " Itlclimond 0:Sfl " 7:U " Franklin 10:13 " 8:1S " Aimtvc.4 I'rston 10.-3.. " 8:10.'a.m SOUTH HOUND. LEA VIS. .No. 12 Dilly. No. la. Dally Mlxe t'roiton 7:10a. tn OslOa.m rranlclln 7:!7 " 10.00 " Itlclimond 7:4.! " 10:40 " SmllliBcld 7:M " 11:10 " txwan 8:15 " 12:50 li.ro Mcndon 8:.V " 1:10 " Caelio.Tct 8:M " 1:35 " Aiinivr'. Offdcn 10:30 " 5:30 " Salt UUo 11:55 " 6:55 " l'ocatello 4 45 " For further Information applr to V. W. WoodsldcAeent. Notice of Levy of Assessment. The West Canal Irrigation Company, Com-pany, place of business, Trenton, "Utah. Notice Is hereby glen that at a meeting of the Hoard of Directors held on the 8th day of Maicti, 1005, an assessment, as-sessment, of 30 cents per share for cleaning and repairing the canal was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, cor-poration, payable onorbcfoic the 12th day of April, 1005, to Charles O. Wood, secretary and trcasmcr of the corporation, at Trenton, Cache County, Coun-ty, Stato of Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 12th day of April, 1005, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment pay-ment is made before, will be sold on the oth day of May, 1005, to pay delinquent de-linquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. Send checks for payment If convenient. Chaules G. Wood, Secretary and treasurer, olllce, Trenton, Tren-ton, Cache Co., Utah. A Night Attack Last night the little daughter of Mrs. IJrown, as she sweetly and peacefully peace-fully slept in'hcr little bed near the window, wasattacked by a death deal-Ingdcmon deal-Ingdcmon known as Croup Whooping Cough, and but for the timely use of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, which she always keeps handy, the little lire of the little one might not have been saved. Kennedy's Laxa-tle Laxa-tle Honey and Tar Is different from all of the old-time cough syrups and is best for children because it acts on the bowels, Is harmless, safe and certain. Contains no opiates. Sold by Rltcr Rios. Drug Co. About Rheumatism. There are few diseases that Inlllct more torture than rheumatism and there Is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of leiuc-dies leiuc-dies have been suggested. To say that It can be cured is, thercfoic a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Chamb-erlain's pain balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, Jias met witli great success In the treatment of this disease. dis-ease. One application of pain balm will relievo the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testllled to permanent cures by Its use. Why sutler when Pain Halm affords such quick icllef and costs but n trllleV Sold by all druggists. Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlain's stomach and ller tablets for theio Is nothing better. For salo by all druggists. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Snilthait, of I'ckln, la., had incurable in-curable consumption, his last hope vanished; va-nished; but Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of Ills grave. lie says: "Tills creat speclllc completely cut cd me, and saed my life. Since then, 1 have used It for over ten years, and consider It u marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats, or Colds; sine preventive of pneumonia. Guaranteed. Guar-anteed. 50c, and $1.00 bottles at Itlter Hios. Drug Co. Health Is Youth. Hcrblnc, taken every morning before be-fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, lit jou to waid off disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, fever, skin, liver and kidney complaints. It pin Hies tho blood and clears tho complexion. Mis. I). W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, 1002: "I have used Hcrblnc, and llnd It is the best medicine for constipation consti-pation and liver troubles. It docs all you claim for It. I can highly recommend recom-mend It." Mcts a bottle. Sold by Rltcr Hros. DiugCo. A Daredevil Ride often ends In sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Hucklen's Arnica Ar-nica Salve. "A deep wound In my foot, fiom an accident," writes Theodore Theo-dore Schuole, of Columbus. O,, "caused "caus-ed mc gieat pain. Physicians wero helpless, but Hucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns llko magic, 25c at Rltcr Hros. Drug Co. Chamberlain's Coujh Remedy the Best. "Mothers buy It for cioupy children railroad men buy It for sovetocoimhs and elderly people buy It forlagrippc" says Moore Hros. of Iowa. "We sell moro of Chamberlain's cough lcmcdy than any other kind. It seems to have taken tho lead over soeral other good biands," Theio Is no question but this medicine is tho best that can bo procured for coughs or colds.wbether It be a child or an adult that, Is mulcted, mulct-ed, as It uiwavs cutcs quickly For sale by all druggists. Official Directory District Judge W. W. Maughan. District Attorney- Fred. I Holton. COU.M'Y OKKlCKltS County Commissioners- H. A Hendricks, Hend-ricks, Joseph Knowlcs, W. H.Dar-ley. H.Dar-ley. County Clerk -Jacob N. Larson. County Rccotdcr- Rebecca Eamcs. County Attorney J. O. Waltors. County Treasurcr-W. C. Parkinson. County Assessor Jos. .1. Richardson. County ShorllTT. II. Smith. County Surveyor K. C. Schaub. County Physician W. H. Parkinson. County Supt. Schools-Lewis McCar rey County Fish a nd G une Warden -Clias. II Wilson Water C om missloner- James Mclkle. Fruit tree Inuesctors-Nlels R. Hroby WellsWIlo south of county l'homas Sterling, Providence, north of county Precinct Justices of tho Peace and Constables of Cache County, elected November 8th, 1901. ustlcc -A .-oiLOeo. W. Davls-.Hcnsow L. V. Roundv: College, C. IP Jepp-sen; Jepp-sen; Coevllie, K. S. Larscn; lieenvllle, iSclsA. Madsen; Ilydo Park, James Morton; Ilyrum, .las. L ensen; i.ogan. Thos. X. Smith; L Alston, rotor E. VanOiden, Jr.; Mlllvllle, Martin Olsen; Mendoia, ;Mt. Sterling, David Henry; Iscwton, Loremo 0. Larson; Lar-son; Petcrboro, ;Prov- Idcncc, Loreno R. Tibbltts; Para-disc, Para-disc, W. J. Willis; Richmond, -, , Smlthllcld, Win. Doug-last; Doug-last; Trenon, Charles G. Wood; Ncllsvlllo, R. Rasmusscn: Wheeler, Wheel-er, James M. Anderson; Clarkston, .lame 1! lardlnc. Constables Avon, William C. Hubbard Hub-bard Reiuon, J. E. Harney; College Col-lege Walter A. Jensen; Cocvillc, F. l Tltcnsor; Grccnvlllo Wll-lard Wll-lard Nyman; Hyde Park, Fred O. Woolf; Ilyrum, Robert H. McFar-ican; McFar-ican; logan, Georgo 1, Fames, Lcwlston, , Mill- vllle, Fredrick T. Yeatcs; Mcndon, -- ; Mt. Sterling, Daniel .Jowl; Newton, Franklin T. Griffin Petcrboro, t'lovldencc. Horace nam- mond Paradise, R. W. James; Richmond, ; Smlthllcld. Walter Fisher; Trenton Alvln McCombs; Wellsvlilc, Fred T Darley; Wheeler, William Hy-bee; Hy-bee; Clarkston, Aslah Thompson. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers for further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and for Cache County, State of Utah. NOTICK to cunniTOift litatuof llriiry Wallx, HivchmiI. Creditors will uraM'iit claims will, toucher lo thn undersigned at Hi" olllce of ,1. ,. ptcw-urt. ptcw-urt. Jr., altornc), at Uiean. Cache counlv, Utah, on or before tho ,1Nt (lay of July. IIU5. .IohciiIi Watth AdmlnWtratorof tliociUtoof Ilnnry WattH (iNruastil. Ilato or first publication MniclilJ.A IMKC, notici to cunnrroic Kslatoof Jlark I'rceci'. dccen.scd. Creditors will present claims with toucliorn lo tho undcrsliriicd at :tc.vllln.Cncl!0 county Matu of Utah on or before tin) 1st day of All-trust, All-trust, l!K)j. Ann I'rcccc, Administratrix ot tlio estate of .Marl; I'roccc, deceased John A. Hm ddim, Att'J 1st publication March'-.".!, last Ap'.ii. Naval Medical Practice. Fancy sending a gunboat to the China seas without n surgeon on board! Hut such things tisetl to happen. hap-pen. The Ailniliulty provided a well-stocked well-stocked medicine chest, lint tho captain cap-tain Jnow nothing ol medicine so ho had all tho medicine; bottles emptied Into a big tub. and then assembled tho compaii) All the start is there," said he, "and ir anv ono goes sick ho shnll have a dohc of the mixture, for thero's hound to ho something In It that will suit ou'" I.omlon Mall, CON FERENGE I Reduced Rates via the H Oregon Short Line H will be made as follows- Tick- H cts on sale April 3rd to 8th. H Goodfol return to April 15th M TRAIN SCHEDULE and RATES. M Stations Dallj Dally 1'arn H Preston u:t0a:m.. 7:10a.m. .$1 i". H Franklin. .. .10.00 " ..7:27" .. I 25 M Richmond... 10:10 ' ..7:42" ..4 2.'. M Smlthlicld... 11:10 " ..7:.rU " .. t 10 M Logan 12:.'0ti.m..8:ir " .. :t 80 M Mention 1:10" ..8:33" ..3 55 B Cache Jet... 1:20 " ..8:55 " .. 3 25 M Collinston... 1:12 " . 0:15 " .. 2 75 M Salt Lakcarr 7:10 " .11:55" M Returning trains for Preston and all H intermediate points at 5:45 p.m; for H McCainmoii and all intermediate H points at 10:20 a. in. and 11:12 p.m. H Places of amusements Tabernacle, H April 4th,Conrlcd Metropolitan Opera H Company. H Salt Lake Theatre: -Grace Van H Studdlfoid ln"The lied Feather," Ap- H ril 3id to 7th Inclusite; Agilcultural H College Dramatic club in ",Sho Stoops H to Conquer" A pi II 8th: "Taps and H Hcvclllu" April 10th and 11th. M Grand Theatie. Anna Eva Fay In H "Somnolency" assisted by a vaudeville H company, Api 11 3rd to 15th, inclusive. H Utahna and Ron Ton Theatres in H continuous vaudeville, and the Penny H Arcade witli phonographs and novel- H All Oiegon Short Line tialns out of H Salt Lako City start dlicctly from H this city and consequently arc always H on H D. E. Htriu.KV, G. P. & T. A. M Put Rubber Tires H on your Buggy. H Emll Nlel.-,cn, the carriage builder M on South Main street, will do tills for M ou at a small cost. Any buggy or M wagon, Go and see him. M HANS. C. JENSEN I Baled Hay, Straw and Grain. M Pi Ices reasonable. Located at3 tho M V. O. Foundry building. Residence M 'phone 71x. Piuchasesdellveiedlf de- M Pasture for Horses and Cattle H All stock Insured except whero death Is unavoidable,!!! such cases the brand M will be furnished. Horses $1 cattle 50o M per month. Pasture fenced with M smooth who. Animals received and H delivered. Ho will gather animals M from April 15th to 30th. Full parti- H culars seo Republican. B A. M.FllKKllAUtN, M Nounan Valloy, Hear Lake. 1 iTfl HP A I THI I ' v nc,ML LUWGSl I H to stay healed, and to romovo overy trace of a I H I COUCH or a COLD quickly and pleasantly, H don't fail to ask for tho only remody in all the I H I world that does it: I H 1 0fl. KINgs I I I discovery! I I FOR CONSUMPTION 1 H Sims, Ark., Oct. 14, 1903. H H I had lung trouble for two years. It confined ino to my H H H bed four weeks. I got three bottles of Dr. King's New H H M Discovery and it cured mc. Have not had a pain in my H H S lungs since. J. W. Johnson. H H I la Absolutely Guaranteed II H WHS9KKKM SOLD AHD RECOMMEHDED BY HIKiKsi H Rltcr Hios Drug Co. Logan, Utah, Montpcller Prcstpn and Franklin, Idaho, H |