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Show ITS MERIT IS PROVED RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE A Promlnont Cincinnati Woman Telia Uow Lydla E. Plnkhnm's Vegetablo Compound Completely Cured Her. The great good I.ydlu fi. I'inkhnrn's Vegetable Compound is doing utnoiifr tho women of America Is attracting tho attention of many of our leading scientists, and thinking people generally. gener-ally. JMrj.iSara IVifjon Tho following letter Is only one of many tliousitiids which nro on tile In tho rlnkhnm olllce, nnd fro to prove beyond question tlint Lydlu 12. i'lnk-ham's i'lnk-ham's Vegetublc Compound must bo n remedy of great merit, otherwise It could not produce mioh marvelous results re-sults uiuong sick iiml uillng women. Dear Mrs. l'lnklintn: "About nlno months njtn I was a great sufferer suf-ferer with womb trouble, which caused mo swvoro pain oitremu ncrvouuitm and fre- ?;tiont lu-adachns, from which the doctor tilled to rrlloto m. I tried I.yilla K. I'lnk-Iuuh'k I'lnk-Iuuh'k Vegetable Coiiikiiiii1, and within a short time felt lpttr, and after taking flvo bottkmof It I waxuntlrelycurixl. I there f ore heartily rwMynmonil your Comtound an a spliindfdutvrlnu tonic. It Makes the monthly ieriod regular and without mln ; and what a blewlug It U to find ouch a remedy after o many doctoni fail to help you. I am plcuwd to rocommend it to all imffering women " Mrs. Barn U'lbon, yi Kast 3d Struct, Cincinnati, Cincin-nati, Ohio. If you have suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness of tho stom-nch, stom-nch, Indigestion, bloating, leiieorrhien, Hooding, nurvous prostration, illzzi-Hess, illzzi-Hess, falntnes, "don't-care" unci " want-to-be-loft-nlono " feeling, excitability, ex-citability, Imckucho or the blues, these ro fcuro lndli-atlons of female weakness, weak-ness, soinu derangement of tho uterus or ovarian trouble In such cabes thoro Is ono tried and troo remedy Lydla K. rinkhama Vegutublo Compound. Treating Wrong Disease. Many tltnos w onion call on tholr family physlclnns. sutfurlng, us thoy lmnlno, ono troni dyspopiln, another from heart dlsonsu, another (mm llvoror klduoy dls-oaso, dls-oaso, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain horo and thoro, ami In this wuy thoy all present nllko to thmnsolvos and their oasy-golng and I ml I (Tore nt, or ovor-husy doctor, sop-orato sop-orato and distinct diseases, lor widen ho, assuming thorn to lie such, prescribes his pills and potions. In roality thoy aro all only svmvtoms canned by sotno womb disease dis-ease Tho physician, Ignorant of tho cauio of suffering, oncournftos this practice prac-tice until largo bills are uiudo. Tho suffering suf-fering patlont gets no bettor, but prob- Ablv woino. hv rn.ifion of Mm ilnlnv. u mm amy worso, ny reason or tno delay, wrong troatmont and consoonunt complication;). A propor modlclnu lfltu Dr. Plorco's Favorite Fa-vorite Proscription, dlrctictl to Uie aiunc would havo ontlrely removed thn disease thoroby disponing all those distressing symptoms, and Instituting comfort In-load In-load of proloncod misery. It bus been woll said that a dlsouso known Is half eurod." In cases almost Innumerable after all other medlolnas had failed to holp and doctors had said thoro wns no euro possible, tho uso of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fa-vorite Proscription, supplemented whon nocossary by medical advlco and counsel of Dr. Plorco, has resulted In a perfect and ponuanaut cure. Tho genuineness of thoso euros Is attested not only by tho entire dls.ipoaronco of pain, hut by a gain of flosii, a clear complexion and a choorful disposition. A SciRNTiric Mkiiicink. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific mini-1 lclno, carefully devised by an etporlonced and skillful physician, and ndnpted to woman's dollcutoorg.inlsui. It Is purely vegetable In Its composition and perfectly per-fectly harmless In Its olTocts in nny ooiulltUin of the iistt m. It contains no alcohol, opium, digitalis or other Injurious Injuri-ous Ingredient. Dn. K. V. PiEiiOK, IlulTalo, N. Y.i ' Dear Sir I w very low. and our home physician said I would never bo well until I went to the hosiiltat Knowlnir what I did of four medicine 1 concluded to try It and felt i tan It would euro mo. To-day I thank Owl for Dr. 1'lerco's medicine. I tx-tran kuoplmr I homo the 11th day of April and was Just able to crawl about and In three weeks I could do I all my own work, laundry and all. I havo flO.OOO Plants for 16c. J BmAiltliir'i Bclt than ny othtr In Qff AVBPAmerlcft, TbrU run for thtf, BBB) BFcl Vtm own oti r &,M) aorvt (or th pro BEJ f'iduotlnn of uur warruatrtl ! JH EflflMfIa oilr to Induce tou to try Ihrui, wo ABJI P5?5vXTT mk youth (ollowlug uuprft Afflfi ?l3 Art h Oantm Pomtpatd B ttyU 1O0OKarlft Htt1nMftN4UtibkHf flvH V ItOOO ru JalrfTuralps, CiVM II 0O(l ltltcfclf (Urj, BBEJ V X ZiKH) llttk Antt;Utir BBfli r I looo ipUit4 cbi, AVH I 1 looo lur LnitUa Kttfltt. BBBJ -y looo uirii unui-t iu-r, flfln m oltnt Mtvl to irrow lo,0 iUnt, fur IBBJ M nUhlntr limlirU cir brlllluiit ifm JH dower 'J iul nd lotiot ebolc twuk BB Trttl4.to:fthrwHhnurKr4l fJDBj rMfc.off.tomnKallfcboiiO'lowvrH, B llox-i, Bmi1I Fruiti, to.. U for Bl HI 16o in tuinp utifl till notice Bi m JOHN A.SAUER SEED C0V V llll 1 1 1 1 w-v, -a CroBoo.Wla. I SEVEN LEADERS Uatiirl l'lrraouth llntk lllack llnrcn, 11 hod o lfttand Krtll Uutr Orilnituii Itrown Leghorn, Wbltelvhoru Whliit W;mtoiiM Alfprliu wlunara, Kg(t, U lor IS Yrlleu (loltholKitt Alia iQoututon and llrooiler, Chick (ckhI. I VOGELER SEED CO, Skf. MS ALFALFA SEED BAILEY A, SONS ! , 2ND to. ST., SALT LSKI OITT UTAH Are tead(uarters for tho best quality Alfalfa Betnl, also Qraas and Oardeu Scdi, drain, drain Hags, Twlno. eto In irrd business 40 yrs. i Wall orders given speolal attention. ll MARK'S HOSPITAL CSALT LAKE CITY I. HUNTINC, Superlntondont taken sU bottles of Dr 1'lerco's msdlclno and tool real cchmI. but am not irolnff to stop until am sure I am cured I tell all my lady friends alout Dr. Plurcu's wonderful modlclua Ihuy all say, "how gotxl you are looking Mrs Taylor," Tay-lor," and I annwer It Is all due to Dr I'lvrco a Tavorlto l'roscrlvllon, ThankliiK you unco mora for jour kindness, kind-ness, 1 remain. Yours truly, Sliw. E. O Tatxoii. Ilox 01. Hurlng Arbor. JIass. An honest dealer will not urgo a substitute substi-tute In placo of " Favorito l're-scrintion." i'lioro Is nothing In tho world "just as Kood," nlthougli avaricious druggists will sometimes say so for tho sako of tho ureator profit to bo mndo upon tho Inferior In-ferior article Shun all such. IV.IUL ,11 fclllU. 11111111 UIJ SULI1. Evory wlso and curoful housowlfo recognizes recog-nizes tno value of a good homo medical hook. Dr. I'lerce's Common Senso Medical Med-ical Adviser Is that kind of a book and tho best of Its kind. It usod to soil for 81.50 per copy. Now a big edition Is being be-ing glvon away fiikk. X'or papor-cov-cred copy, sonu 21 ono-cont stamps, to covor mailing only. French cloth bind-Ing bind-Ing ten cents oxtra. Addross Dr. 11. V. I'lerco, IlulTalo, N. Y. ASSIST NATURI1 a llttlo now nnd then, with a gentle lax-atlvo, lax-atlvo, or, If need bo, with a tnoro searching search-ing and cloanslng. yot gontlo cathartic, to remove offending matter from tho stomach and bowels, to tono up and Invlgorato tho liver and milckou ita tardy action, and you thereby avoid a multltudo of derangements and diseases. dis-eases. Of all known agents to accomplish this purposo. Dr. I'lerce's Pleasant Pel-lots Pel-lots are uneimalcd. Onco used they aro always In favor. Their secondury otroct is to keop tho bowels open nnd regular, regu-lar, not to furthor constipate, ns Is tho caso with other pills, llenco, tholr groat popularity with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold do-rnngomunts. do-rnngomunts. Thu "Pleasant Pollots" aro valuable In all cises of biliousness, sick nnd bilious bili-ous huadacho, dizziness, costlveness, or constipation of tho IkjwoIs, sour stomach, windy bolchlngs, "hoart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred do-rangomonts do-rangomonts of tho liver, stomach and bowels. aimfo1 $3.50 SHOES Moil. AV. T.. Dniiclns makes mill sells more Blen'a H.'l.oll aliuit tliun uur utlier iimniifurturer In the orlit. (nlo.ooo kkW AJtO M aoy on who a dliprovt UU gUUtMat. W. I- DoucliK 8.1. BO shnrs nro the irrAteitt'llfia In ttiu orld licrntivo itf their oxo'llvnt ntyle. enr llttlne Hint iierlor xieurlni." qitnlltles. 'llior lire Juit ita goutl ua tliOMe thut rout from .1.00 to 7.oo. 1 tiu only dlfrereucn Is the price. W. I,. IKiuulna :t,no aline nml miiru to lmilie, hold their ahuiio better, miir Iciucr, nml ore of greater uliin tliau nny oilier bXAO sltou un Ilia liuirket tixdiiy. V. I Jlmielna Eimr-Hiitrvs Eimr-Hiitrvs tliulr tuluo by al.iiiiiui- hit mine nnd lirlie on tlin liotliiui of rarh t!1.""; J-ookforll. 'lnko no aiib.tltiilii. . L. llouiilna K3.no alioes ure aolil thrnuEli liltown retail storea In llioiirln-rlnnl llioiirln-rlnnl iltlei, hihI by alioe ilenlera etery-yhere. etery-yhere. mnnlteru here you llte.W.L. lou;las allocs urn Mltliiii your roach, EQUAL $B.OO SHOES. "Aariforn II". I.. Dcuglai $SM ilian for vror$,ana eoiuUer thttn tqual tt qhv i&M that not on (I. mtrttt. ,.Thiv han gittn ntire lainAi.ioa," -nm.1. AnJmoa, Beat litalt Allnt, Aasim CUJ, tin. Hoys wear W. I.. Douglas $2.50 and S2.00 shoes because they lit better, hold their shape end wear longer than other makes. &. t"1? '","' Corona CeltiUnifthd ISMilioil. Corona Coll U tonetJtJ la ( (As jlnrlf raltut Ualher froJuctd. Patt Color llytltta trill not wear llratty. W. L. Douglas hu the Itrgtitthoe mll order bu.lueu In tin wurU, No trouble to actaut binntl. aSynteitraprjTiiUllerr. If ruudei re furilur liifuriiiaiion, unto for JttitHraltd Calaloaut tit Hpnnj Styli, W. I. DOt'OUS. BrnkUp. Hm. MISS BULLJRECOVERS FEAEFDL DEOLINE OF 8TBENGTH COMPLETELY ARRESTED. Mrdicnt Skill Tfnil Almost Kxlinusted Ilielf in Vain Attempts to Itrlleio Her A lleinarknble Itesult. Tho recovery of Miss Gortrndo li. Dull is of great Interest to tho medical world. A very bail coiikIi followed n Rovcro attack at-tack of pneumonia. It seemed impossible impossi-ble to break it up or to restoro her gtrenRtb, which hnd been sadly undermined. under-mined. In splto of tho best offorts of tho doctors and tho nse of evcrnl advertised adver-tised modes of treatment her condition dally grow moro sorious. Sho finally discontinued nil mediciuo nnd gnvo herself her-self up to despair. ""What wns your condition at this tlmo?" sho was risked. " Sly stomach was bo -wenk I could not keep food down. I suffered from con-ttnut con-ttnut tinuseu. My klduoys were in tcr-rlblo tcr-rlblo condition. My feet and ankles wero swollen so badly that it pained mo oven to stnud on them. I wns very bilious. My heart wuh in bad shapo so I could not go up nnd down stairs or stand nny oxertion or sleep in n nntnrnl position." "It seems u wonder that you should ever havo recovered. How did it hnppen?" "Yon mny woll call it ft marvel, but Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills wrought It. Nono of my friends thought I could livo many mouths longer. Sly parents hnd no hope. Just then n pamphlet advertising adver-tising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale) Peoplo was thrown In our door. It was n great event for me. Tlieso pills saved mo from tho gravo. 'Within n week from tho timo I began to tako them I felt better, bet-ter, and lu thrco months I wns entirely woll. I cannot prniso Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills too highly nnd I dearly hopo that my exporiunco mny bring good to somo other sufferers." Miss Bull, who wns so remarkably cured, resides at Union Grove, Illinois. Dr.'SVilllaniH' Pink Pills net immediately on tho blood, purifying nnd enriching it. In nil debilitating diseases, such an lung troubles, grip, fovcrs, nnd lu nil casos in which tho system ih thoroughly run down, theso pills perform wonders. Thoy nro sold by nil dmggists thronghi out thu world. A vulunblo booklet on diseases of tho blood, will bo sout frco to any one who npplies for it to Dr. Wll Hams Mediciuo Co., Schenectady, N. Y. siati or Onto, Citt or Tolido, I Lcoas Courr. f FaiNK J. Ciicxir makes oath that be li lenlor pirtu.r of the Arm of K J. OnNr A Co .doing business la the City of Toledo. County and stste OXK 111 MJItt.U DOLLAIIS for each and ererr iix& &X,!. av "nnut " curea "" u" " .tVw..?J DS' m sad subucrllie a la mj presence, this eth day of Oecember, A. D.. isrs. ". JTil A.W.OLKASO.V, I v Notabt I'ublio. di,,'.rVi'jS,t?h.?nr? ' tsken Internally and acts atrectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of thi system, bend fur tesilinonlal., free. """' OI ,c ...... " J- CI1ESKV & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, c. ,. Take llall's Kamly nil. for eonitlpaUou. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully efery boltle of GA8TOIIIA, a ssfe and sure remedy for Infants and children, sad w tbst It aip.a?nreof C&frc&X In Veo For Over 30 Years, The Kind Yon Hara Always Boutht, A Doubting Heart. Where are the swallows lied? Frozen nnd ilend Perchnnco upon some bleak and stormy shore. O doubting heart! Fnr over purple scoh. They wnlt In sunny case, The balmy southern breeze To brim? them to their northern homes onco moro. Why must tho (lowers dlo? 1'rlsoneU they lie In the cold tomb, heedless of tears or rain. O doubting heart! They only sleep below The soft white ermine snow AVhllo winter winds shall blow, To breathe, and smile upon you soon again. Fair hope Is dead, nnd light la quenched In night. What sound can break the silence of despair? de-spair? O doubting henrtl The sky Is ovcrcust, Yet stnrs shall rise nt last, Urlghtcr for darkness pnst, And angels' silver voices stir the air Adclaldo A. Procter) Tea I Linger longer over Itj lets it be steaming hot from th earthen pot; and the loveliest woman pour it, TEA The greatest tea-drlnkr are full-bottom Dutchmen. There isn't much nervous prostration in Holland. Salier's Home Dnllder Cora. , So named because 50 sens produced SO heavily, that its proceeds built a loverj). X home. See Snlzcr's catalog. Yielded in! r"" ,Ind. 167 hu., Ohio 100 bu., Tcnn. 108 bn.,' ,nnd in Mich. 220 bu. per acre. You csa beat this record in 1005. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF TIIKSP. YIELDS I 120 bu. Beardless Barley per acre. 310 bu. Salzer's New National Oats per A'.i 80 bu. Salzer Spcltz nnd Macaroni Wheat.! 1,000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grsss Har. CO.OOO lbs. Victoria Kapo for sheep per A. 100,000 lbs. Teosintc. the fodder wonder.i 54,000 lbs. Salter's faupcrior Fodder Cora rich, juicy fodder, per A. t Now such yields you can have in lOOOj if you will plant my seeds. JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND lOO In stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Id Crosse. Wis., and receive their great catalog cata-log and lots of farm seed samples. W.N.TJ.J TEA There's a time to remem- j ber, a time to forget : it is tea time; remember your joys and forget your sorrows. TO CUItr. A COLD IN ONJ5 DAT TVe Laiutha llromo tjulnlne Tablets. All drug. iKlits refund the numey If It Mill to euro. E. W. !U rove's ilgnituro Is on each box. 20cs I do not believe PIso's Curo for Consumption has an equal for coughs nnd colds. JonN F. , lOTKil, Trinity Springs, Ind., Fob. 15, 100O. , Alabastine.-, Your s Walls j " Walls are smoky and grimy alter J i the winters' coal and soot. They ft g need cleaning with Alnbnsllno. C The new color schemes and har- J i monies for this year can only be done ' in Alabaotlno. The colors are the ij richest, the tints the most permanent, i the hues the most beautiful in Ala- 9 ! bnstlno there isn't any wall cover- ing that is just as good. is Alabastine does not need wash- i ! ing off before a fresh coat can ba j 'J applied you simply mix Alabas- S tine with cold water and apply with j : a brush. Any decorator or painter' i . i ij can apply it or any woman can j v , a apply it herself. J ; Remember Alabattlue comes la psolt- f et take no substitutes do not buy in bulk. If your dealer can't supply 1 you, send ui his name sod we will see 1 ,1 that you have Alabastine, Deautlful ' tint cards and free color sugrettiont 0 I free for the asking, , ALABASTINE COMPANY I (Jrant Ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich. r J New York Office. 10S Water St. J n SSSBS-BB ' rlltM fOYJEClC hHtrt, r WATERPROOF 4 OILED CLOTHIHGl RECEIVED THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD I AT THfc ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIBj I Send ui the rumes of dealers In I your town who do not. jell our goods, end we will send you & collection of pictures. In colors. ofB fomouj tower of the world. mTM AJ. TOWER CO, ESTABLISHED !& BOSTON. htWVOIA. CHICAOO. TOWIR CANADIAN CO. LM.I. TOROHfO CArfM REUAQLE ASSAYS Gold .... .Tildoldand Bllrer 11.00 , ld I Gold. HllTer, Copper.. LM W 1'lawrUo'd, Itetorta and Kloi Oros nought. : Oodcn Assail Go. "srsSsaiK |