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Show COMPLETELY RESTORED. Mrs. P. Drunzel, wlfo of P. Urunnel, stock dealer, residence 3111 Grand Ave., Evorett, Waih., says: "For flf- teen years I suffered fTI Ml with terrible pain In it! T9 my bn0,- did not 1'lLV'vv know what It was to DvJp'.ljgv enjoy a night's rest Y<tiiftiQ an(l aroso In tho JtjrJ?F$& morning feeling tired e& ar" "nrefrosne(i- My WlV o suffering sometimes B(frO was simply Indo-HAVVy Indo-HAVVy s"lbable. When 1 13-' V ."".' A finished the first box Mf'f'V VVM of Doan's Kidney DRV !i ,11 Pills I felt like a N, U' Vlft (l"Torcnt woman. I ' i'-V' continued until I had Ujj taken five boxes. Doan's Kidney Pills act very effectlvo-ly. effectlvo-ly. very promptly, relievo tho aching pains and all other annoying dlfllcul-ties." dlfllcul-ties." Foster-Mllhtirn Co., Huffalo, N. Y. For salo by nil druggists. Prlco 60 cents per box. |