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Show Large Paint Stock. Our stock of High (3 rade Paints is large and comprehensive, compre-hensive, Including out door paints, Indoor paints, enamels, ' stains, varnishes, dryers, etc. In all colors and all sl.e packages all splcndcd satis-I satis-I faction giving paints. Prices as low as the lowest anywhere. RITER BR0S.DRUG GO,, LOGAN, Utah. Franklin, Preston and Montpelicr, Idaho. -L You have likely heard of John Spande, the fellow fel-low that sells all the carpet car-pet and furniture. Yon may now have a chance to meet him "face to face' at his new store in the Sidney Stevens building, 59 W Center Street. - f I i Utatina Park J S Ppyer & Machin, Mgrs' " Week of S j June 12. : Everything New 2 : 5 Big Acts. : pi Admission 10 cents J Only One Week left of the MONEY RAISING SALE at Henry G. Hayball's, Get in and Get Bargains While it Lasts. 51.55 Center St. Remember. fO g-gSa Croat Profusion of Strik- (4S? 2 IjH ""SpV" inK Patterns in Young frw C tfl OUU j I A FIT GUARANTEED M ,P I The excellence and popular- iilSfH;f itfl Howell & Crawford ff I LOGAN CITY'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS J I R .. SMITH. M. I). Physician and Surgeon. A i.i. Cw.i.n riuiMi-T- Tlmtiiiink M-5 i.v Attiimimi To . . SM1TIIFIELD - - UTAH. $ H.G. HANSEN I I $ Real Estate and In- $ suranee. f ? Edwards Block. Phone Ux. & it .it it it it it it it A it it it ii A it ii i"i. jft ii -it it it it it it it H . P. and W. ?. Jacobsen I Apd Horse- I TUB U71RKHR It'AGK. H We shoe the wildest of the wild. All kinds of clipping done promptly jH SOUTH MAIN, Opposite Logan Nurseries. H I G 5H5Hga5H5B5g5H5a5H5HJ5B5H5Hga5H5H5H5g5cL5a5B5H5Hg5r3l H I Everything for the I I 1 Toilet Table I I n Bath room and Sick room, for Health, Comfort and ffi 3 Luxury, priced to bring a great throng to our store, uj H K Note every article we offer. You buy nothing here H K where you do not get value for your money. H H I Our Prescription Department J I k was never more complete, and when the doctor calls Q H S for the genuine we supply what he wants. We do Uj qJ not substitute, and that's everything in medicine. Gj H I OUR SODA WATER i I is FRKSII, COOL and SPARKLING. Come and 3 I see us. rjj Co-operative Drug Co., j IU Genter St. jjj I IDta5g5H5B55H5HHSagB5HSa5HSa5H5H5a5ahH5a5a5a5g5B5H5igl |