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Show I Big Damage Suit. H The ease of Hendrlckson vs Sinait H and Hansen, in which Die fonnei sues H lor practically KO.ooo and tlie return B of certain First National Hank stock H transfened by lilm to the latter, came B up before the court Tuesday morning. B The defendants had Hied a dctnurrcr ! putting forth a counter claim of $1,800 HI which they claim thev lost through HI the inlsrcprcscntalloii of the plain-IB plain-IB tiff when the stock was tiansfened. BB All told theie Is a dillerr'iicc be-BB be-BB tween the plaint III and defendants of BB about 125,000. The iiicston can not BB be'settlcd without a thoroiiKh BB examination of the l-'IrL National BB books, of couise, and If the matter N BB not compiomised in all probability BB this will bo a long drawn out and ox-1 BB pensive suit for all parties concerned. BB The loser must necessarily sillier BB and the winner Is neccsailly at a loss BB of time and attorney's fees, and all, BB inustsulTer with the First National , BB Hank, as all are stockholders In the' BB bank. It would icem the part of ' BB wisdom for the contending paitlosto BB exhaust euuy possibility of a com-' BB promise before the case goes further BBJ into the courts. Friends of all parties; BBJ would like to see this accomplished. - |