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Show I PE-RU-NA NECESSARY TO THE HOME. A Letter from Congressman White, of North Carolina. i PE-RU-NA IS A HOUSEHOLD I 1 - SAFEGUARD. I " No Family Should Be Without It. PERUNA is & groat family medicine. The women pralbo It as well us tho men; it is Jut the thing for the many little catarrhal allmentof child hood. Tho following testimonials from H thankful men and women tell in direct, I sincere language what the! r success has been in the use of l'eruna in their fam- tlics: , Louis J. Sehcrrinsky, 103 Locust street, Atlantic, low a, writes: "I will tell you briefly what l'eruna I has done for me. 1 took a Mvere cold I whiclt gave me b hard cough. All doc-I doc-I tors' medicines failed to cure it. 1 took one bottle of Peruna and was well. "Then say two children hud bad I coughs Beeompanled by gagging. My wife had stomach trouble for years. She took Perun and now she is well. "Icannotezpressmythanksiniwords, M but I recommend your remedy at srery H opportunity, for I can eontclentlouUy I say that there is uo medicine llko Veru- bs. Nearly everyoDo In this town knew H about the sieknrssof myself aud fatn- ily, and they have seen with astonishment astonish-ment what Perona has done for us. Many followed our example, and the result was health. Thanking you heartily. 1 nin." L. J. Sherrinekr. Mrs. Nannie Wallace, Tulare,' Cat, President of the WcHtern Uapti&t Missionary Mis-sionary Society, writes: "I consider l'eruna an indlnpuiiiable article in my medicine chest. It is twenty medicines in one, and has so far J cured every sickness that has been in my home for live years. 1 consider It of special value to weaklywomrn, as it builds up the general health, drives out disease and kevps you in the best of health." Mrs. Nannie Wallace. Pcrnna protects the family against coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis, catarrh ca-tarrh of the stomach, Uverand kidneys. It is just assure to cure a easo of catarrh of tho bowels as it is a case of catarrh of the head. i FALLING I HAIR 1 J Prevented by shampoos of CUTICURA SOAP, and light dressings of CUTICURA, g D purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treat- 0 ) ment at once stops falling hair, removes 0 0 crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, O itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, O 1? supplies the roots with energy and nourish- 1 ment, and makes the hair grow upon a . sweet, healthy scalp when all else fails. ( Million of Women 9. 0ieCtrnCTRiOir, .lrtelhy ODTIcrRA OlimiEHT, forprerTlr, ) gV purtflng,aiMl beautlfylti tha Alii, for cleanalnK the acalp of eroila, 31 C3 acalaa, and dandruff, and lha upptng if (nllliy Jmlr, for KfUlitjc, C 2 whitening, ami aonUu&r red, rough, and or harp-la, forbauy raahca, ie3 Itcalnya, and cbaflnjra, Tn the form of hatha for annoying IrnUttaoa, fJ5? jJL tuBaniinaUoBa, ami ulreratlTC vrrakiirwrt, and for many aanattra, a, 9 auUMptlc yurpoaae, -Men readily uxrt Uieineelw to women. ? 3 Cdtictba Roar, to rleanae the, akin; CtrrirusA OiimiDrr, to heal i T UMklii,aidCun-otu IlkaoLVtxT i'iLL,licoolUM)l.looa. a 8IHUI.B O BIT tt often auflklent lo rure'thv most torturing-, (Itflgurtng, Itching, ga r burning, and araly akin, aralp, ami LVol huimirua.raabae, lubiuga, aaa fijj IrrtUUaaa, with Jon of balr, when all else fall. jflk. tola raraartw-l It werW. Brltt. IHnati 17 S. ttiartaraaaie , I .... Tm W J Dapeaiiltaaaalal'Bli, l"aria. rvnaa lato in. Oo.r-nuU trvf-, lama. 1& & WrCtmcVBl KlMtTBHT 1HU (Cfatt4t rott.l a a MW, Uetolaae. odoarleaa. A 9 eeunamkat aobamata lor the t.lebaet.4 llaala Cvricaa H MtLVMf, ae vattatafltall ffey JE etlm Meed Banian aailaajaa. tuna, la aoahei vtala, M deel. 3L I I YOUR GRANDFATHER ' ?.",',.." 'Si 1 MJMUSTANG LINIMENT I lbc'e.rd Sixty Years Ago. I Than was no better remedy than for Mavn or Beast, and Over novor has been a. better remedy stnoe. Koep It In the house. SALT LAKE CANDY CO?S MOLASSES DAINTIES ALL npRT CLASS DEALERS BFLL THEIW. .A BalKlum Stallknia uom aBfK In our hatiia. I.WO to .u mr lb, weight. Our prlo H rnl Imi doplloatea akKTZmsWak "lh lniinVioa of io MmHtMiMMiMril tieil junt lamtrd In our (it ublr Tt t Wj Im TtKHKS!H3mWil'jUi hnrnanJ llTMnla'tl nmV (WIKVlliTTrftn fly T) ' rorlei many Sna tuW pon't pa n by. WATSON WOODS I108. a KELI.Y CO., Jjtncoln. Nabr. nOADCV NEW DISCOVERT: Elrej LWaf 9 1 nulckrllorandcnrraurt OKI. nook of tattlnnolalaaml 10 BAYS' traatinrnt VKE. Ur,H.tt.OKKEN BBUKB.IioiR, Atlanta, 0. ulSUTrn-AaGNTS to fel our yiatorlnr Zr VfnniC.ll traeta, lell.t Arti.lra and Vutamti. lllr iirnllta. Write Mr turnia. '. ,. I'KAlt-BAI.I. I'KAlt-BAI.I. CO., DOS Malniilht., lleaMiilura, lna UTAH JUNK GO.hld.if,lMwwai,rub. ter. coppor, Uraan. olo. Halt I .an- Oily, lllali. UfUV I lifC II flUCQ ltrMrnciandUparj-ntlonora4 TTnl LUC PLWrirr li'inolalils vouicn ohu wlhl j maxrr, nd a pnotox for mo. Heart lluid. Kauaaa t'lty, FREE KT'o'-SSX Br,n.TOr,t yi;B Thompson's Eye Water Wlien flnswcrlno Advertisements Klnrilu Mention This Paper. W. N. U Salt Lake-No. 41. 1002 TS QURli Vrl 1ST ill llitTAilJ. " " Q 13 Itoat Cough Byrun. TaateaOooil. CMQ IV 3 ta tlaie. Buld by drngirl.ta. 1 Hon. ohoiiok n. white. ;j CoBfjrcsKman Oeerfre Henry While, of Tnrbori), N. C., writes the following' letter to Dr. linrtmait in reg-itrtl to the tucrits of the great catarrh cure.Pcruns: House of RcprnwutntWes, ) WashlDpton, Keb. 4, 1899. f The Peruns Madleiao Co.,Columbus,0.: Oentlcmen"! am more than Bath-fled Bath-fled with Peruna, and Hod It am bo an excellent remcity for the grip and ! tnrrb. I have used It la my family and they all Join me In recommemdlng It as an excellent remedy. " Very respectfully, Oeorge H. White. rcrtinn Is &n internal, scientific, Bya-tcmlc Bya-tcmlc rerurtljr for cntarih. It is no palliative r temporary remedy; it is tlioron'h in its work, and in cleansing the diso.iM-il mncous membranes cures the catarrh. If yon do not derive prompt and satis-ffu-tdry results from the ne of I'crunn, write at once to Dr. llurtman, clvln(f a full statcmentof your cone, and he will be pleancd to give you his valuable advice ad-vice gratia. Address Dr. Ttarttnan, President of The llurtmun Sanitarium, Columbos, O. Mother llruy'ahwmtt I'owdera for Children Hiiccessfully uised by Motlior Qrny, nurse In the Chllilrou's Home in New York. Cures l.erialines3, Had Btomnch, Toothing Dis-orilim, Dis-orilim, mOve mid rt'BUlate the Bowels and Destroy Worm. Over 110,000 testimonial. Atolldrugclata. 2.V3. Kaniple FllEK. Ad-dress Ad-dress Allen 8. Olmotwl, I.altoy, N. Y. 'Tl'n't nAf 'o lie a day without Dr. Thoumt' Kclei k ic uil iu the luse, Never enn toll vrtiat luuiueut nn acciUeiit is going to liappaa. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mow Opan at tlia Twiilat.in Tuition for Hcboul Yaar, 40. We control the Ellis Cabinet system t bookkeeping- and the Gregg system of shorthand. They aro the best. Visit us at the Templeton and make inquiries inquir-ies about us from the business, professional profes-sional and educational men of the city. We lead, others follow. Salt Lake Business College llava Vou Kiioufh Money y If you haven't you may mako a foi-tuno foi-tuno for .W cents. The Salt Lake Tribune will distribute Ktf.OOO.OO In itold, immediately im-mediately after the approaching state oleotlons, to those who mako tho nearest near-est estimates of the vote for congressmen congress-men In Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Thoro will be 1,400 awards, ranging from fTi.OOO.OO cauh down to $2. The voto in 1D00 was 177,800. Write fur circulars to Tho Trlbuno Distribution Bureau. P. O. Box 1208, Salt Lake City, Utah. Bo quick; there's no tlmo to loso. New Cure for Consumption. A rocont cure for consumption advocated ad-vocated by an Irish physician, Dr W. C. Ulnchln, Is tho Inhalation or tho vapor of garlic Juice. Tho doctor doc-tor claims that by this method ho has effected some remarkablo cures. Every boly'6 HaLlo to itching pilcn. ltlch nnd poor, old mul y oung tvrriblo tho tor-ttirs tor-ttirs they miffer. Only ono miro ruio. Dona's Ointment. Abtolutuiy &afo; ain't fall. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color Silk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling, BUY THE BEST. I HHK i6SHk. l Three Crown nntnrlnir llxtmcls nrr mmln B dlriTt from Din f nil t. tlnretiy rrtiilnlnu their B iiitur.il, perfect Hut or . , M Thri o Linwn SpK-t n tire pure uml rrrsti, rlitht B from our own iiiIUh HH Thrro frown ll.iklni! pawihr Ih pure, stropv H unit i-iiiiioinlrnl I'llu- JN' txrpoiitul jBJ AKk for thoc liiumls uml n tii-v till others )H HEWLETT BROS. CO. H APCHTCI l-ocul and trnvollug iH Mvlbll I O a Mlli-suien iiuiUo inom-y - telllnL'iiur trrtPH W tH furnish outfit ami pny CASH UVKltY WKKK. A fi' more bockI men 'H wanted. Wrlln for piirtlculuri, 'H PIONEER NURSERIES COMPANY, M aoi fHfl SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. H ' i KICI.IAIII.K ASRAY". s H flold.. .U) I Colli ami Kilter.. . .1 .Tt M Ia4 .Vll i:olU.MIIeruuu(u.ec I 00 aB I'llll.Ml'T HKIilHNH ON HAM. HAMl'UCS H OODEN ASSAY CO. i.aja.f-y.f- IWEI WtrATHIrR COMFOUTt I Thero Is no satisfaction keorwr H that) being dry and comfortabl H when out. in the hardest storm. H YOU ARE SUM OP TH16 gv IT YOU WEAi ,H TinP- Sp1 cDEtf? WATERPROOF JU OILED CLOTHING 1 MADE IN MACK OR YELLOW I H AND BACKED Vt. OUR CUABAKTBL -A.-J.TOWfK CO.BOMORMAMULj M ASK YOUR DKALER. LT tSi? If he Wit not aueWy you i tH emJ for pia- free rolnloqi" oi garment and hala. 'H Cv -, y CARBOLIC SALVE H iC will prevent blood iH sM poisoning in Guts, tH J'1 wounds, Sores, tH Bruises, and heal ,H ' them, too. 25 cents. Would you have v . H TOOTHACHE for 2 ,H 15 cents? 'Our Jap- ixM hI anese Tooth Ache WyV.iTl -M Drops will rid you f H ofhoth. l X H Cv r, y DeCOSTAS LIVER , PILLSis Health H XXlVl Insurance for H Y'1 25 cents a policy. B I What is your health ,H ' N worth? jl All Lunrr Diseases . rj j start with a cough. III If you will cough up fxftl H a quarter for a hot- V 'fll tie of Cough Balsam fH you'll stop coughing ' VH Cv rj y Japanese Corn Curo " Nyiu will rut' you of a III Njij dozen CORNS for a fH y quarter. Which do K T N. you love the best - jfln f corns or quarter? iP ALL DHUQQI8T3 OR BrOHCS 'HU OR DIRbCT FROM I I I I I "HI Z.C.M.,1.. a i 'f :''KM I- ffammm ., . . ,.zr. ' 1 fifi '- fmj.' . -w.. .-hi -jy sir .. afl."i!'''Vafii?MBBr"'iBB |