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Show H v THE TRIE SITUATION. H . It Is foolishness for Republicans to H say or even think that theG. O. P. H will hac an easy victory at the polls H u In Nocmbcr. Cache county has con- H mj - tinned to give from 300 to 1100 Dcino- H , ciatlc majority, and at present may H be regarded as a Democratic county. H j. ' True, at various times the Republl- H cans have managed to elect some. small H p.utof the ticket, but this has been, H In most cases, the result of a light in H the Dcmociatic p.irty, a faction of H ' which Invailably tendered such and H ! such an oillcc If theRopublleansvvould H i take it. Even these small faorshae H p been greatly appi eclated and at this H I & time the Republicans arc going to try M '; to get themselves into a position ) where they will bu the ones to illsh M ' out an occasional faor of this kind. B The arious splits among our Demo- m cratic brcthicn seem to olTer an c- ccllcnt lighting chance this fall, and H with the great change In .sentiment Hw that is noticed all over the county, H i ) the cause looks decidedly hopeful.- H f With the piuper c.eicisu of good H. I Judgment in the selection of a ticket H j at the county coin cut Ion, and the H hcaity, conceutiatcd elloit of lojal H Republicans fioin convention time to thecM-nlngof Noemher 4th, there Is H good reason to believe that at least a H large p.ut of the ticket may be pulled H thiough, and possibly all of It. The H lirst. thing necessaiy to make this pos- M 1 slblllt) a probability is that the paity H ! In conNcntiou assembled, nominate H only t lie best men men not only Hi , popular In their own paity, but who H are of such character and (pialillca- H tlons as to commend them to our H Democratic frleiuN. The Demociatlc , party has nominated a ticket that Is regarded as only of medium stiengtli Hj' and the Itepubllcans must uoiiilnate H a letter one If they expect to win. B There ate enough candidates for the H1 villous nominations to enable the H , party to put up the stiougcst ticket H eer nominated In the comity, and Hj with the cxeiclse of a little Judgment, H' a ticket that stands gieat chances of H; ! V being elected. However, the friends B' j. jtj of the individual candidates must go H ' into the coin cut Ion deteimiued to H -4 woik haimonlously with each other, B and with the one desiic of seeming H the best men for the oillcc. The "rule H or ruin" policy will not win out this H time. It must be lemembcied that H but one man can .secme the noinlna- Hon for an) olllee, and tho-.o who aie B defeated should feel inclined to abide by the decision of the majoiltj. Evciy candidate feels that if lie Is nominated lipshold have the hearty support of H the defeated, and unless he is willing H to give the same suppoit if he happens H to be the iiufoiliinate, should not go H I nt b the convention, if jou have a H knife up jour sleeve for somebody, H wait until the paitj is as stiongl) In- B tienched as the Demociatlc paitj has H been, and then jou can do a little H knifing and not entirely nilii the H chances ot party success. H . i Atter the convention is over let H there be a s.vstematlc, determined ef- H fort on the pait of Itepiiblicau cap- H tains and piivates. Let them know H and understand Just where and how H each man stands, and abovo all make H Individual Republicans feel the iin- portance of this election. Stay-at- 1 homes have lost many n battle, but B that should not be the case at this H "With a not mal Democratic majority H of 400 or C00, this is no time for bick- H i crlngs among Republicans. It takes H I unity, harmony and hard woik to win K this battle, but It can be won. The H t reports from Logan aro cneouiaglng Rfl', and from the outlying districts even IA.,4 moicso. You hear of many Demo- Hb' I cratlo changes mid few or no changes from the Republican ranks. Let the party rldo in on tills tidal wave, and once In there is excellent prospect of staying. |