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Show Yankee Drummers In Orient. Tho oxperlenco of two young Americans Amer-icans who recently spont six months traveling through Japan, China and the Philippines for tho purpose of soliciting trado affords good ovldonce that there Is much commorco to be secured by Americans If It Is properly proper-ly sought. These young mon studlod the Chinese language In San Francisco Fran-cisco and acquired a sufficient knowledge knowl-edge of It to mako themsolves understood. under-stood. They had, therefore, the great nd vantage of being able to do business busi-ness directly with their Chineso customers. cus-tomers. As It was tholr first trip to the Orient they did not bring a largo variety of samples, but tho results have been so encouraging that thoy proposo to return equipped with an enlarged outllt. Tho mothod pursuod by theso young men Is worthy tho attention at-tention of our manufacturers. If two young Americans can .learn tho language lan-guage In San Francisco sufficiently to enable them to deal with the Chinese Chi-nese In their own country, others can do tho same, |