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Show BRAIN BUILDING. How to Feed Nervous Cases. Hysteria sometimes leads to insanity and should bo trcatod through feeding tho brain and nerves upon scientifically scientific-ally selected food that restores the lost delicate gray matter. Proof of tho power of tho brain food drape-Nuts Is remarkably stiong. "About eight years ago when working work-ing very hard as n court stenographer I collapsed physically and then nervously nerv-ously and was taken to the State Hospital Hos-pital for tho Insano at Lincoln, Nob., a raving munlnc. "They had to keep mo In a strait-Jacket, strait-Jacket, and I wis kept In tho worst ward for thrco months. 1 was anally dismissed In the lollowlng May, but did no biuln work for years until last tall, when 1 was persuaded to take tho testimony In two cases, Ono of these was a murder enso, and tho strain upon my nervous system wus so great that I would havo broken down again except for tho strength I had build up by tuo uso of arapo-Nuts. When I began to feol tho pressure of the work on my brain nnd nerves I simply Increased In-creased tho amount of Orapo-Nuts, nud used "tho food moro regularly. "I now fool llko my old self again nnd am healthy and happy. I am suro that if I had known of Qrnpe-Nuts whon I had my troublo eight yenrs ago I would never havo cnllnpsod and this dark spot In my life would never havo bnpponcd, Ornpo-Nuts' power as a brain fond Is simply wonderful, and I do.not believe any stomach Is so weak Hint it cannot digest this wonderful fond. I fool a delicacy about having my nnmo nppear In "public, but if you think It would holp nny poor sufferer you can uso It." Namo given by Pos-turn Pos-turn Co., Iluttlo Creek, Mich. Theie nro desserts and desserts. Tho delicious, health-giving kind aro 'old about In tho llttlo reclpo book fouud in ench package of Orapo-Nuts. |