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Show STATISTICS OF NIOHT HURuN- They Are Sought by the Smithsonian Institution. Eight hundred night herons aro wandering wan-dering frco about tho United Slates, each wearing on ono log an aluminum band Inscribed "Smlthsnt Ian Instltu Hon" nnd n number. If any person shoots ono of these birds ho shoul.1 wrlto to Paul Hnrtsch, biologist of tho Smithsonian, telling whoro it was anil how largo was tho bird. Tho night heron Is ono of tho most beautiful of tho aquatic birds of Amorlca, but scientists itnow less about It than they aro satlsllod with. Last year Mr. Hartsch discovered several breeding places of theso blrJs on tho Potomac In tho District of Columbia, Recently ho visited tho placo with several ''assistants ''as-sistants In tho night and the 800 aluminum hands were.1 fastened to tho legs of as many young herons. Science Is anxious to know how long the night heron lives, whero It spends tho win-tors- and how much of tho country it covers In It.s wanderings. It Is believed be-lieved that hy tho time a few of the numbered aluminum bands havo been reported somo of these, facts will have been established to tho satisfaction of tho ornithologists. Clovoland (O) Plain Dealer. |