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Show Local Jottings. Alexander, optician, Hotel Klcscl. Sco City Shoo Store ad. For Special Rargalns. Joseph Mon&on tho architect went to Salt Lake Wednesday. ' Slclghridlng was in order for everybody every-body Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Tho Nettlcton shoe. Tho best In America at, Dunbar, Robinson & Co. Tho Logan choir is arranging for a social to be held on Tuesday evening next. Thomas Lcishman the Wcllsvllle rustler was seen on our streets on Wednesday. Corlcss Coon Collars arc the best 2 for 25 cents Collars in the City for sale at, Dunbar, Robinson & Co. A. II. Rrowcr,F. M. Stephenson and Joseph Glover, residents of Lcwiston, were In Logan on Wednesday. Congressman Joseph Howell expects to leave for Washington next week. Mrs. Howell will accompany him. Special values In Underwear, Shirts and Drawers 25 cent each 50 cents values at Dunbar, Robinson & Co. The new Co-op Grocery building Is rapidly ncaring completion and should be ready for occupancy by March 1st. Jacob Larson was over from Paradise Para-dise on Wednesday In the interest of the contest case now pending an appeal. ap-peal. John Parry .and wife are down from Gentile Valley visiting their daughter who is the wife of John Parry of this city. Hell Rrothcrs have bought out the butcher business of C. A. Reese and company and will assume charge of It February 1st. Mr. Hailstone will be retained as salesman. The water level of Great Salt Lake was 3 feet 5 inches below tho zero of the gauge on Dec.lst,and 3 feet 0 inches below on Dec. 15, 1002; on December 1 and 15, 11)01, the level was 1 foot 2 inches below zero. The Rook of Mormon Society meets at tho H. Y. College Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Mook of Mormon geography Is the subject under discussion. All interested arc invited. Alexander McKcnzIc came home from Kclton to attend the funeral of his live months old child that died recently re-cently of bronchitis and congestion of the brain. The funeral was held at Paradise on Thursday at 2 p.m. The Davis cream separators have been placed on sale with the Sidney Stevens Implement company, who are State agents, so that these splendid machines can now be had on short notice, instead of waiting to get them from Chicago. Mrs. Cathrlnc Hibbard returned yesteiday from Malad where she has been since the holidays visiting visit-ing relatives. She reports that all travel between Preston and Malad Is suspended on account, of the heavy snowfall in the mountains. Tho Council Committco to whom was referred the task of drawing up a franchise for the Home Telephone Co. prepared a franchise but it did not meet the approval of the representatives representa-tives of the company, who claimed its provisions were simply prohibitive. The Tribune's Ogdcn Correspondent says Robert Downing, who appeared hero last week in tho Gladiator, Is to star Corlanton. Mr. Downing may be a pretty good actor but ho did not impress im-press us very favorably in the Gladiator. Gladia-tor. He might do better though as Corlanton. About titty stock holders In tho Logan, Lo-gan, Richmond and Smlthllcld Canal Company, are attcndlngCourt, watching watch-ing closely the proceedings In tho case of their company against Anton Pearson. Pear-son. Tho decision of this case is of great Importance to tho company in testing the legality of tho right of way along their ditch bank. Representative Wilson has Introduced Introduc-ed a bill In the House to regulate the railroads doing business within tho State. The bill contemplates some radical measures thatwo hardly think should bo adopted. It Is right and proper that some steps should be taken tak-en to protect tho State against railroad rail-road aggression but It should not assume as-sume tho shapo of anything radical or unjust. We want more railroads and should deal Justly with those wo have. Zaza" the emotional drama by David Hclasco which has created such a furore In the theatrical world will be presented by Florence Roberts and her capable support at tho Thatcher Opoia house on next Monday Mon-day evening. This Is a stellar attraction attrac-tion and Relasco & Thall who are directing the tour of Miss Robcrts1 have spared no cxpenso In producing the play on the most extra vagantscale. The company supporting Florence Roberts Is the' strongest dramatic oiganl.atlon that has appeared here and it may be expected that "Zuza" will arouse tho interest of all the thcatio goeis of this community. I Miss Roberts is ono of the most gifted ' and versatile of leading American I actresses and her particular foito Is In i Just such senatlvo emotional roles as is called for by "Zaza." .r-.BW JMytAil'.v. M f "'. - -w ' iiiMi Great Rargaln Sale at Robinson Rros. Sco their ad. J. J. Plowman was down from Smlthflcld Wednesday. 1 off on Suits, 1 oil on Shoes, 1 oil on Hats at, Dunbar, Robinson & Co. No action has yet been taken towards to-wards appealing the election contest case. A large number of Smlthflcld people were in town Wednesday attending court. When In need of anything in the printing line, call us up by telephone No. 58. Special sale of Gents, furnishing goods, at Robinson Rros. 45 Main Street. C.A. Stain of Salk Lake is in town looking up the stray members of the Odd Fellows Lodge. The M. Y. College band was out yesterday afternoon and evening in the interest of the Liquid Air lecture. The Republicans of Colorado practically practi-cally concede the election of II. M. Teller, Democrat to the United States Senate. In the district court in the case of George Roth vs. David Eccles the jury returned a verdict of $1,500 damages dam-ages for the plalntitr. Fremont County Idaho gets the Stato Reform school. Now there wll be a fight between Rexburg and St. Anthony to secure the plum. Lookout for the railroad change Sunday. The train for the south leaves at 8.15 a.m. and the train from South arrives here at 0.30 p.m. The House has passed the bill appropriating $7,500 to assist In defraying de-fraying the expenses of the National Irrigation congress to bo held in Ogden. The Farmers' Association met at the Tabernacle Wednesday afternoon and after discussing every thing In general and nothing In particular they adjourned adjour-ned for one week in hopes that they might have a larger number In attendance at-tendance next time. We are.to have a new produce house. Harry Smurthwalto and Alex. Maughan arc the moving spirits In tho now enterprise. It is not definitely definite-ly decided yet where the now llrm will be located,but Center street will probably prob-ably get it. They expectto commence business in the next few days. The case of the Logan & Richmond Irrigation Co. vs. Anton Tcarson, was dismissed from court today. A compromise com-promise having been effected between the litigants. Pearson agreed to allow the canal company twenty feet along the canal bank for right of way. This was practically all they were suing su-ing for. The masquerade ball at the Palace Wednesday evening was well attended. attend-ed. There were only a few, probably 40, that were masked. Some of the characters were very creditable. The Irishman, the Dutchman and the two Indian chiefs were the best. Mr! Peterson and Clara Apperley won the prizes in the cake walk contest. Harry Stoney won tho prize for the best character; he Impersonated a Dutchman. Dutch-man. Miss F. Rust, a Logan young woman who has been visiting relatives in the city for several weeks past, caused her friends and hosts considerable anxiety several days ago by disappearing. The police were ask to search for her, as it was feared she had met with harm. It was learned yesterday, however, that she had suddenly decided to return re-turn to her Logan homo and had boat (led a train for that place without announcing her Intention. Tribune. Florence Roberts, who with her capable company appears on next Monday evening at tho Thatcher Opeia House is unquestionably the most versatile of the leading women who have a facinating interest for the theatre goers of the cv World. To the great characters of the drama to which she has given artistically sympathies sym-pathies and emotional portrayals she has added that of "Zaza", the unique character created by David lieluscn and from whom his world talked of play takes Its name. In Nell Gwyne and Sapho, Miss Florence Roberts has demonstrated her wnndeiful ability In emotional lines and In "Zaa" a child of passion with moods that are variable, Intense and raging, from the most powerful display of the emotions to the softening Influence of pity and gilef, the gifted actress has the op-poitunlty op-poitunlty ottered her for the full display dis-play of her genius. A meeting of tho Joint committee representing the Unlvcislty of Utah, aript Intcd to scttlo the controversy w.M icgaids to the School of Mines, was held yesterday afternoon In Gov. Wells's private olllce. Present on behalf be-half of the college at Logan wero W. S. McCornlck, E. C. Adams, J. A. McAllister Mc-Allister and President Kerr. James Sharp, A. II. Lund and President Klngsburg represented tho University Frank Plerco, another member of tho University committee, was unable to bo present. After a short discussion, tho committee decided to refer the entire matter to a subcommittee composed com-posed of tho presidents of the two schools. They will meet and endeavor to arrive at a settlement or to disagree, dis-agree, and will make their report to the full committee. Tribune. , |