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Show i T Thatcher Opera House. 6, & B, THATCHER, Leeses, Monday, Feb 2nd. ONE NIGHT ONLY. J54 r .,... 1 y ;rfyr"ljlwMfl1T'.' 'V''Vil - m rP . v'lV ttl ! ' -M1 ?fvL?'!i'' v'&'r?: UU $ J- Ptvv; I 3k A X flflHV M V t v f flrWBvs 'f W " ' W Z'"'' "4'' 0fe D yjj -(r W H ST B r-t "4 nKMIF" 4ta S O ,Blwft'4?&f' Tickets on Sale Saturday, 10 A. M. We have the Most Complete Line of WOOLEN GOODS In th City, and Out Prices are Right. amcHTSBKBUBaBii3saaiaaaaai L. D. S. Woolen Garments From $1.50 and up. Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear 1.00 Suit. Hoys' Heavy Fleeced Underwear CO Suit. Ladles' Union Suits From 50 cts up. M Children's Union Suits From 25cts up. ffHslKf Wm fi als0 lKVV0 a c.0,nl,lete "nc of Men's IBwHMnlls alul y's Sweaters, Wool and Cotton fHreir Hlankcts, Home made Wool Quilts. VH In the Hosiery line we make the very Hf best that can be made. Our Cast VH Iron Stockings, with Double Knee, lH Heel and Toe, arc without doubt the VB Host Stotkings made for Hoys Next Door to Clock. CACHE KNITTING WORKS. 37 Main Street I Tfc mmtm h m i ii i i ii'iih i a" jm n pr John H. Anderson l IN Z C M I BUILDING. i I Special sale now on in Shoes and Clothing We will save 1 ' you money & $ DON'T FAIL TcTcALL!! 1 1 m -. -. ...T v.Jnr.-w-.rT-1 111t1rlT11lnrTlrTr mi nnnnmnnm r KODAKS . AND SUPPLIES. A ' BBRtffflKflHi BUB' - iM Brownie Developing Machines $2.00 Cardon Jewelry Co. LOGAN, UTAH. JOHN THOMAS M MERCHANT TAILOR. Tho leading tailor of tho county. Call and bo convinced. For Sale Cheap for Cash, or Exchange For Logan City property. A good ranch on l'ortncuf river, 120 acres, with good water and an abundance abun-dance of good range and timber adjacent adja-cent thereto. Inquire of FItED TURNER, Agent. Building Tor Sale The old building known as tho the Fennimore Property I on South side of First North street will be sold to the high- H est bidder. Present bids to H Elwell Hardware Store 1 G. H. THOMAS, I - IB Sjiithkield, Utah. V Conovcr, Cable, W Kingsbury and MM Scliafcr Pianos. m CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS. JM G. W. LINDQUIST, Undertaker. 1st North St. East of Tithing Office. flj SIGNS! I A L L K I N D S. K CITY PAINT SHOP. 30 S. Main St. . C. V. nANSEN, - - - Proprietor. B C. H. BAKER, I 13 West Center Street, M Opposite Thatcher Bank. K Shoe Repairing a Specialty! 1 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. 1 Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign- w ers for Turthcr Information. E In the District Court, Probate DMslon In and 1 for Cache ounty, State o! Utah. I Notice to Creditors, I'HTATnor (iioniir. I., ItontON, decuabi:!). Cri'illtors wllliiruscnt claims with vouoliom totliuur.'lprslKiusI attliu olllcu or Jainei U. WiiltiT-i. Uiiran, Utah, on or Ixiforo tho 30th Inyiif Jtowniljur. A. I).. 1W3. lotdof llrst pulillcatlun, January S7tli. A. JIAtID I ltOIUNhON. nxucutrlx ii( tin) last will anil testament of lliiiriru l. JIolilnvHi, (lrueasi'd, , Wl-ts NOTIOIJ TO Cltr.DITOUS ESTATB OP SAMOKt, MITTO.V. rir.CEAHEI). Cri'illlovu will tirt-M'nt claims with vouchors to 1 1 id mxk'rnlinu'il at his ri'sldencu lu Loxaii t'lty lu tho County of Cachu ami Statu of tltah.onurhufo.-u tho llrnt Uuy of Juno, A. 1).. lino. I'lrst rulillratlou .lanunry .10. A. D. lira. HAMUHIi II. SUTTON. Administrator. Take Off Their Veils. Turkish women aro said to bo got-ting got-ting moro Independent ovory year. Nowadays, In spito of ordoia to cover sJT their faces In puhlic, many Loldly lot ,iT their veils fall aaldo and hoop them off altogether whon entering a shop. Jfck) '" MH |