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Show THE ANTI-MORMON TALK. The Chattanooga Times under tlie foregoing head publishes tlie annexed timely editorial: "The notice that a Mormon Rlshop's or Apostle's vows to his Church bind him to take tlie side of the hierarchy when a contest between it and the government should come, Is nothing but superstitious sensation. The Mormon Mor-mon leaders arc not fools. They are no more disloyal, as between their church and the law of the land, than arc other religionists. "After the Mormons had been expelled ex-pelled from Missouri and Illinois, In 1810, and started on their historic pilgrimage for such shelter as they might Hud from their enemies In the heart of tho Rockies, they did not even then turn hostile to their government. govern-ment. The supremo leader, Rrlgham Young, when the Saints were camped along the Platte west of Omaha, early in 1817, raised 000 young men among his followers, oillcercd and equipped them and sent them through the wilderness 1,100 miles, to Join the detachment of our army then holding California. No braver, more faithful soldiers ever served under tlie American Ameri-can Hag. Not a man of them was known to have been guilty of drunkenness drunk-enness on or off duty, of debauchery, of neglect, of cowardice. The Mormons Mor-mons did splendid service for years holding tho Utali Indians In check. They promptly volunteered when the Spanish war was declared. Tlie state is closely divided, tho majority Inclined In-clined toward Republicanism. Tho Church doescn't number more than 4.10,000 communicants, a large majority major-ity of whom are women, as Is tlie caso with other churches. They aro scattered scat-tered over many states, 20,000 of them being In the south and a large community com-munity of them in northern Mexico. If they were disposed to do their country wrong, they could only bring destruction on themselves by making the attempt, which they know as well as we do. Roth sentiment and Interest Impel them to loyal courses They aro thrifty, law-abiding, tlie most progressive, liberal, charitable and enterprising peoplo In all tho northwest. "Let them alone and both they and their country will go along all right. |