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Show ScliTwSce HER HEALTH I Addreta Dr. Hartman, Prtaldeat ot The ttartmaa Sanitarium, Columbug, Oblo, tor free advice. l-8m. E. DOUGLAS By v Y.$3.Binil $3.82 Shoes HS8! WV M w KeT Tau can save from S3.O0 to as .CO TaarW J fcw K a bywaartaf W.I Douglas a.M or S3 Shsxa. If laT ! w It Tasy arc Juit m food in eeery way m thoaa that IM Xf V0jB hare been eoitlagjoti from $4.00105.00. The m mmwki iy . atMaw Iiense sale w. J,. Douglas sboes prorea B WaW I Oil. .IBWtbsIr superiority orer all other niskes. I jat TOP bv SkJ.floM "7 ratal! euoe dealers eTerjwhers. Aft eamWA. 2ft . " Wtlbs. KtaV Tba asaulne biT name ana price raVrPssMX aaaV. T "TBA VVN IflrW stamped on tba bottom. Taks ao '''8HMIiHkri CATALOG fXfrtMkwubUtuta. faitCnlorXitlttiuitd. fv WaTmiBJJiaiiffimi'Z. K kv w. 1. nougias sm dm Kdga A', nrnr AiJXDauSSSnlUiiKu Una cannot bo aajnalletl te Tii Dtar ft irMr !! t UtKrtUaai .. w. I. SouilM uikM and Mlla mon ratn'a pr4rfs - aiibi -a4 ugfr wH iMtMr OoodjMr welt (liand-Mwtxi proca) shoe ikkii aay Mhritatar Tfct ! h.fMor tha than inr othp manufacturer tn tb world. MoH paai fwr yi. fabr'Mu.pwrirUr. QC hflfl DAtuirtl will hf l-mlrtloanjonr who )99Sale: ,I1A1I.1 3UUUU nGWdlQ mn rtlMrOTe1hltUlrmnt 19U3 Mini tnr.04,aA0.00 M.vleot the tt imported and American leathetf. 0 " H WESTERN CANADA GRAIN CROWING. MIXED FARMINC. BCTBffPflJIff' TheHeaaon Why mora wheat la RrMuPSmleWv grown In Weatern Canada In a rew 47'LU!r!rEValJ snort InQnlhe tbau elaewnere, la laW5Hl.T5fiWB bet-enae irKetatlon growalnpro-riM7lHSMai growalnpro-riM7lHSMai portion to the auntlglit. Tba more " CSHojUM nerlherlj lalltmle lo which (train lJ!aaHaensBSBnl wlllcomotoertectlon,tberjeiter ttia. Therefore 43 lbs. per buahal la as f air a etandard aa 40 tba. In the Kaat. Area under crop In Weatern Canada, 1M, 1.9I7.JM Acraa. Yl.ld. 1WJ, 117,82s, 744 Bui. HOMESTEA.va.ANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, tba only chart Vif which la 110 for making entrjr. Abundance or water and fuel, building material cheap, g"od grese for paature and bar, a fertile soil, aaufflclent rainfall, ana a climate Eh inn an aaaureu and adequate aeaaon of growth. Send lo the following for an Atlaa and other literature, and alto for certllcate firing jou re-auoed re-auoed freight and paaaenger ratea, etc., etc,! npertntendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, r to J. W. Taylor, salt Lake City, Utah, the authorized Canadian Government Agent. ! FREE TO WO MEN! gawaaaaeji ww To proe the healing and !7iVll?lael cleansing power of I'aittna aujaauaaa TolUt Antlssptlo we will VcaTaaaBIH nail a large trial package' sbbJbV$s with book of Instructions M mW9m M Bbeolntaly free. TbU U not ' AV Ha tiny aample. but large VaB m packae. enough tc con-. con-. m'aB. M vltioe anyone of Its value. 1 mr M Women all oyer the country war r sa Bft py.j.jng. paxtlne f or wbat SBgaHaaBaBaBaBaBBitt baa done In local traat-wMawaaaaaBawaBBaainant traat-wMawaaaaaBawaBBaainant ( famala Ills, curing U Inflammation and (Uncharges, wonderful as a cleaulnf Tsarlnal douche, for sore thront, nasal caurrb, aa a mouth wash and to remoro tartar aad whiton the teeth, Send today a poaul card HI do.. . ... aid by drafclsU or ml ppat paid by as. 50 atanta. Urs;ahoz. atlsf action gfoarantaad. XHI K. PAXTON CO.. Boetoa. Bf ass. SI Calambaa At. WBCtlafaawA aZammmmmWamwaW9 X IBIirTlMwaaaUaL jUffiTjjm Draakaaaeas la a dtaeaes and can be cured. Tbs ealey treatment for drunkenneaa baa been before tba public alnoa lasu. and lu adinlnlatratlun la anally asfa and effeetlTe In youth or old agr. iAIl oorreipoodenoe atrletly oonOdantlal, TBI KRRLKT INSTITUTE. S3, W. SOUTH TUPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. IwkjwH WTvimTn p. I RJCLIABLE ASSAYS. old I ,rt I Oold and 811 rar ....ILaa toad Itlania.ttllT'r, Cop'r,. IM Prompt returns on mall eamples. Ugdcn Amy Lo. dsnvsr. oolo. t llin rri I flTP ATBASOAHIS. SoMon W. N. U.. Salt Lako-No, 22. 1903. B Ilsat Cuugh U) run. Tutea (food. Tja H P3 In tfrue. Held lT dni(,gtiu. Jft, Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trembling, Trem-bling, Sleepless, Bloodless. Pe - ru - aa Renovates, Reglatea, Restores. A Prttty New Ysrk Wobim'c Rtccrcrr the Talk el Her Naatreni Frkiai. Mm, J. E. Finn. 82 East High street. Buffalo, N. Y., writes : l'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio-Gentlemen. Ohio-Gentlemen. "A few years ago I had to give up social life entirely, as my health was completely broken down. The doctor advised a complete com-plete rest for a year. As this was out of the question for a time, I be-gan be-gan to look for some other means of restoring- my health. " had often heard of Peruna as an excellent (onic, so J bought a bottle bot-tle to see what it would do for me, and it certainly took hold of my 'system and rejuvenated me, and in less than two months I was in perfect per-fect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a dose or two ef Peruna is all that I need," Mrs. f. . Finn. Catarrh Causes Female Diseases. America is the land of nervous women. The great majority of nervous women are so because they are suffering from some form of female disease. By far the greatest great-est number of female troubles are caused directly by catarrh. These women despair of recovery. Female trouble is so common, so prevalent, that they accept it as almost inevitable. The greatest obstacle in the way of recovery is that they do not understand under-stand that it is catarrh which is the source of their illness. In female complaint, ninety-nine cases out of one hundred are nothing but catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. I TYPHOID FEVER DIPHTHERIA SMALLPOX Tlie germs of these deadly diseases multiply in the decaying; glue present la all kalaomlnea, and tbe decaying pasta under wall paper. Alabastlns is a disinfectant, It destroy dlseaae germs and vermin: Is manufactured manufac-tured from a stone cement bate, hardens on the walla, and Is ss enduring as tbe wall itself. Alabastlns Is raised with cold water, and any one can apply it, 'Ask for sample card of beantlful tints and information about decorating. Take no cheap substitute. Buy only in j lb. pkgs. properly labeled. ALABASTINB CO., Qrssd Ksaldi, Mich. Nw Ysrk Otlct. I OB Wslsr St UfHMrth at RomttjH HAH through Hires Rootbeer a Wjmmm WffJ delightful preparation of mM IHH roota herbs, barks and IBfssI IeLH berries. Nature's own pre- UrU EjS acriptioa. Benefits every wXM IffvU meabei ot the family. ffkm IT Hires Tj Mr,H inrilM It. MMd, muIn U. thirst EB. Iklfltl PlfMM lf paVlat. A psUhakg KflV HlirH 0?watfWM. H-U ftrywbtrt HilH FERj'H ' bntll,). VflWsvrtwflmli.iloot. JyjtH WKl&CUriM K. Urn C,., Mjiun'JIk Delicious Summer Luncheons In hot weather things muat look sad taste last right. Whef more dainty end tempting thsa Llbhy's Melrose Pate a delicately atatoned combination ot Gams, Hani and. Tongue; or mots sppetiilng lor supper or ureaklaet than Ubby's Cornad Bssl Mash? Ubbr's Heme-made Pork aed Beans ere like sllollJbby's (Natural Never) Psod Products, cooked ready to scrrs. Hot op in conrcnlen,t key-opening csna. rare -th. booklat "Hew to Make Oa4 Thlnn to aUt " band S' It ataaapa fer UbbrablgSllaaef thellerid. Libby, McNeill & Libby ' Chicago ii sa. A DANGER SPOT. pT A dangerous spot for easo. Cure Kidney and Bladder troubles beforo they reach the serious stage. Read how easily It can be done. W. J. Hill of 40 South Union Strcot. Concord, N. C, proprietor of hardware hard-ware and harness store, Justice ot the Peace, and one of tho best known citizens citi-zens of that place, says: "Doan's Kidney Kid-ney Pills proved a ve"ry efficient remedy rem-edy In my case. I got a box at tho Gibson Drug Store, and used them for disordered kidneys and backache from which I had experienced a great deal ot annoyance, trouble and pain. Tho kidney secretions had bothered mo for long while, were very irregular, dark colored and full of sediment. Tho Pills cleared It all up and I have not had an ache In my back Blnco taking tho last dose. My back Is much stronger and my health generally Is Improved a great deal. I am glad to make a public endorsement of the Pills, trusting that it may bo tho means of relieving somo other sufferer." suf-ferer." A FREE TIHAIi of this great kidney kid-ney mcdlclno which cured Mr. Hill will be mailed on application to any part of tho United States. Address Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. CHEAP PASSENGER RATES. From Ogdcn. and Salt Lako via Santa Fe route, Juno 4-5-9-10. Missouri river and Intermediate points and return, 132.00. Chicago and intermediate points and return, $41. GO. St. Louis and intermediate points and return, 839.50. Final return limit, September 8, 1903. 3 TRAINS DAILY. For further Information nnd for rates to points other than abovo, apply to C. F. WA1WEN, General Agent, 411 Dooly block, Salt Lake City, Utah. P Jso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure, J. W. CHRIS, K-'2 Tblrd Ave,, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 8. 1000. DOCTOR ON FOOD. Experimented on Himself. A physician ot Gallon, O., says: "For the last few years I havo beon a sufferer from Indigestion and although al-though I have used various remedies and prepared foods with somo benefit It was not until I tried Grape-Nuts that I was completely cured. "As a food It is pleasant and agree able, very nutritious and is digested and assimilated with very little effort on tho part ot the digestive organs. As a ncrvo food and restorer it has no equal and as such Is especially adapted to students and othor brain workers. It contains tho elements necessary for tho building of nerve tissue and by bo doing maintains an equilibrium of wasto and repair. "It also enriches the blood by giving giv-ing an Increased number of red blood corpuscles and In this way strengthens strength-ens all fhb organs, providing a vital fluid mado morn nearly perfect. I tako great pleasure In recommending Its uso to my patients for I vnluo It as a food and know it will bnncllt all who use It." Name furnisher! uy Pos-tdm Pos-tdm Co., nattle Creek. Mlrh. Everybody's Magazine for June shows a decided Improvement over paBt months, tho contents ot this al-ways al-ways interesting magazlno being well worth poruslug. "The Klean.Kool Kitchen Kind" of stoves make no smoke, smell, noot, nshes or excessive ex-cessive heat. Always look for trade murk. Fruit acids will not stain goods dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Stops the Cough and WorkH OR- tho Cold Laxative Broruo Quinine Tablets. Prlua26c Halt's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c. 'IwssaBasaBBBsal BSBBBlaiaaiBaBBaiaBaBlBBaBBSkIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaaBasSSBlBBWaaBB RaBBBal THE PINKHAM CURES S iTTHACTWQ GREAT ATTE1TI0 J 110!. ,IHH THlXmQ NOME!. MH BbVSBBBSSbPSRILbV l lH D XM-V lVBBBBBBBBBBBarSsf'H PJraSSBSBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsJ Mrs. Frances Staff ord, of 243 E. M 114th St., N.Y. City, adds her tea- H timony to the hundreds of thou gjH sands on Mrs. Pinkham's files. H When Lydia E. Pinkiiara's Homo- dies were first introduced skeptica H all over tho country frowned upon M their curative claims, but as year $H after year has rolled by and tho M little group of women who hod been fH cured by tho new discovery has jB sinco grown into a vast army of fammamm hundreds of thousands, doubts and geH skepticisms have been swept away H as by a mighty flood, until to-day jH tho great good that Lydia IS. jH Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .tsasH and her other medicines aro doing geH among the women of America is fB attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, physicians VflVl and thinking people. Merit alone could win such fame ; wise, therefore, is tho woman who BVJ for a cure relies upon lijdia, B. S0Z0D0RT I Pnlty Ttitli h a ffef 4 MHtt jH are like. Jewels wsU set. Oar kaat easaa ngafafl ad woman have Bade atozOBOjnr taa gePsfsfJ Standard. MBBBBBBBBBl BEST TEETH "J 'H&'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam maamm y rlHMIU MNaiat KMLLLmTLj liawsaaaB1 IT e OUMIW AgBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaEH sMssasai pes moms titif "v'tHaTsgTHgTrigB Wamm P Mats A ClWTVk. V HLflaYIssal' jH sbsbbbbsPJ issSeUi jw)HM H AJmicawwuiAttWA 5!?EiS3tL rT' awssH I xunmiUKJUDiHtmet. .--.t.tlV. skJ J An honeat Baking Powder al art hsaeal pries. jBBJ Vss H always and your cakes will be nice. J THREE CROWN H mB ' .1 BAKING POWDER "Your Grocer Bells Three Crown." j BaH 2So THE I'OUrlD. H HEWLETT BROS. CO. H Cv ,y y 0ABB0LI0 SALVE M jLiyS will prevent blood H VJVI poiBoning in Cut, H A1" Wounds, Bores, P-f-fJ X . Bruises, and heal H them, too. 25 cents. H Would you have v . iH TOOTHACHE for 2 M 15 cents? Our Jap- H anese Tooth Ache s ylil H Drops will rid you XTX aH of both. S N B Cv rw y DeOOSTAS LIVER (H Z, PILLS is Health pH NXM Insurance for H X i'l 25 cents a policy. X I X What is your health fl N worth? M All Lung Diseases v r y M Btart with a cough. x.JUy' Lm If you will cough up (if M VS a quarter for a hot- v A.'" fll tie of Oough Balsam I . H you'll stop coughing ' H C. rw s Japaneso Corn Cure H iC will rid you of a M XxM dozen CORNS for a H y"1 quarter. Which do X w you love the best H corns or quarter? H all onuQQisTS on SToma PH on omEor rnoM i t i i ehmmm "Via la OITV. PaV ' pin ii i i ii . a .a PS, J When Answering Advertisements ii pj Kindly Mention This Paper. fH |