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Show Z ARAHEMLA I DISCOVERED I By Mr, Joel Ricks, who Went to South M America with this In View. )fl MR. RICKS WRITES INTERESTINGLY H To the Deseret News and Tells of His Ei- M perlences Among the South Americans. ifl lu a icccnt publication of the Desc- jH ret News will be found a cor res pon- H denco from Joel Ricks, who is in South jH America. From the correspondence refened to, tho fact Is established that jH Mr. Ricks Is In that section of the jH countny for the sole purpose of mak- iH Ing discoveries that will make more M clear the readings of tho Book of Mor- M mon. Mr. Ricks feels certain that ho H is now in the immediate locality of ; where onco stood the noted city of ,H Zarahcmla, as set forth In the Book of H Mormon. However, there is notiring IH positive In tho correspondence that 'H would lead one to believe that this ;H deduction Is correct. The ideas there H set forth are merely conjectural. It l w 111 be of great Interest to this com- munity to learn that posit I vo assur- WM ancescan'bo given to piovcand sub- jH stalntlatc the position taken by the H believers In the Book of Mormon, and jH at the same time removing prejudices,, H from the minds of tho majority of tho H world that the book Is a mere fiction H In Its entirety. Now that Mr. Ricks jH is there, wo trust that he will exhaust jH every means possible to attain the end f H sought for. Comparing Mr. Rlck.s ' 9H correspondence with the map of South Hfl Ameilca, he is lu the extreme north- jH ein part on the Magdalena river, H which Hows Into tho Carribcau Sea. H We shall note with great Interest H the further researches made by 'Mr. Sfl Ricks while In that cquatoilal region. ml |