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Show Commencement. The commencement exercises of tho Bilgham Young College will bo held on Friday Juno fith at 10 o'clock a. in. The following piogram will be rendered. ren-dered. Vanguard March Band Selection from Opera Norma. . . .Choir Prayer Intcrmesso "Cupids Garden". . . . Orchestra Address Apostle Reed Smoot Vocal Solo "Dream of Paradise" W. O. Robinson Paper "Deep Lies tho Gem" Marian Hendricks Violin Solo "Conceito from Mendels-shon" Mendels-shon" C. M. Harris Conferring of Degiecs and Certificates Paper and Valedictoiy "Tho Spiritual Spirit-ual and Ethical In Education" Geo B. Hendricks Selection Band Address Supt .1. M. Tanner Anthem "Beautiful Zion" Choir The graduates, with degree of Bachelor Bach-elor of Arts, representing seven jcais of vork bejoud the eighth grade, ate as follows: William Williams Henderson George B. Hendricks Gcoige Christian .lensen. With ceitlllcatcs from the high school department representing four years of vvoik bejond the eighth grade: nohmal couuse. Franklin David Dallies Marian Hendricks Agnes Elnora Hansen May McCarrey Frcdricks Scverlu Schovv Nets Sevcrln Hansen ACADEMIC COUHSK. Julia Luclnda Campbell Alonzo Laker Cook George Nathanell Curtis Ernest Moslah Hall Job William Morrell 'ltUSINESS COUIISES. David Kimball Allen Lancelot Peter Nelson. The following complete the Short Business Course, and will receive special certificates representing two years In advance of the eighth grade: Heber Jethro McKay Niels Peter Nielsen Edwin Ruthvcn Miles. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. |