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Show 999 H 'f WAKING A GOOD 'CITIZEN. ) 9J lYo'ura Lad Could Give Hit Elder " J Greatly Needed Lesion. 9J A 13-year-old ItaMan Ikjjt lately pre- Hjs" pared on .essay on fho duties of clti- Tl aonahlp, for a club Lii New Ydrk. 9Jf .Among tho rules which ho laid down I aro the following: "If I want to bo a good citizen 1 I must be truo to my country, true to my state and truo to my city. It 1 J do not roto I will not bo doing my J duty. I must havo my own judgment J to Toto for the man I think Is best I qualified for tho odlco for which ho I has been nominated. If I don't I won't J bo doing my duty. I must not lot any- I body brlbo mo 'to voto for' a man 1 I think not fitted tor an office It will J also bo my duty to bo Industrious and I self-supporting, so as not to bo a J burden and a nuisance to tho public. I I must pay taxes, so that tho govern- ment can bo maintained and tho of- I fleers of the government paid, bocauso I the government Is for my good. When I It Is necessary I must help to maintain J order and- always bo ready for pub- llo service, anil In caso of war servo J my country. I uhould know tho his- I tory of my country and bo an Intelll- Kent reader and close observer ot can-oat events." |