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Show THE APPETITES OF BIRD9. . Feathered Songer That Work Hard for Their Living. If a man coo" . eat as much In proportion pro-portion to his slzo as a sparrow Is able to consumo he would need a wholo sheep for dinner, a couple of dozen fowls for breakfast, and six turkeys tur-keys for his evening meal. A trco sparrow has been known to eat TOO grass seeds In a day. Birds can and do work far hardor than human beings. be-ings. A pair of houso-martlns when nesting will feed their young on an average once In twnty Becontls that Is, each lilrJ, malo and female, makes nlnoty Journeys to and fro In an hour, or perhaps 1,000 a day. It must be remembered that on each journey the bird has the added work of catching an Insect. Even so tiny a bird as tho wren has been counted to make 110 trips to and from its nest within 430 minutes, and the prey It carried homo consisted of Insects much larger and heavier than wero caught by swallows. |