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Show WHY 8HE LIKED VENUS. Housemaid's Preference Had Very Practical Basis. "A practical point of viow will Influence In-fluence even an artistic Judgment," said tho lady with the Burne-Jones chignon, "as I discovered tho other day whon my now servant seemed to take such Interest in tho objects of art In my parlor as no maid of tho many who havo preceded her In tho house over showed. Pleased with her really Intelligent interest In" my pictures pic-tures nnd bric-a-brac, I took pilnsito show hor tho best points of each object, ob-ject, and really I found tho task a pleasant and unlquo experience. But I wish now that I had not asked her, as I did at tho end of tho Impromptu exhibition, which of tho objects sbo liked best. '"This Is tho one I llko best, ma'am,' eald Mary, pointing with her feather duster to tho armless Venus ot "Mllo. "'Well,' thought I, 'this Is getting moro nnd moro interesting. Hero Is Mary showing high artistic Judgment.' "And why do you liko tho Venus best, Mary?' I asked, anxious to hear her cr.tlmato of tho famous, statuo. " 'Why, sure, ma'am, it's tho alslcst to doost!' replied Mary, and I hastily closed tho prlvato viow." ' |