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Show Stake Fair Prizes. The following are the names of those who were awarded prizes at the Primary Stake Fair for best work: Embroidered sofa cushion, Adel Thaiu, 2nd ward; drawing sofa cushion, cush-ion, Alta ShurtllfT, 0th ward, lone Maughan, 1st ward; drawing work, Bessie Larson, 3rd ward; Scrim work, Georgie Fullmer, 2nd ward; embroidery, embroid-ery, Hazel Anderson, 2nd ward; hemstitching, hem-stitching, Edna Jorgcnson 4th ward; basket weaving, Olena Smith, Otli ward; crochet spread, Martha Hanson, Hyde Park; painting, Joseph Kalseth, Providence; derrick, Newel J. Crook-ston, Crook-ston, Greenville; ladder, Walter Barret, Bar-ret, 4th ward; windmill.Willlc Mitten, 1st ward; best bread, Martha Mar-tlneau, Mar-tlneau, 1st ward; best collection or fruit, Eva Spring, Providence; best bottled fruit, Luclla Frank, Providence. There were many things which deserve special mention, among them a box of shells made by a small boy rrom Providence. The collection or boys' work was very creditable and there was a great deal or very nice girls work. It was difficult ror the committee on awards to decide which was the best. |