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Show THE LOGAN REPUBLICAN H f- Published By "The H( LOGAN NEWSPAPER COMPANY, LOGAN, UTAH H l( , ; H , j t OtUclBli Republican 6rgaq of Cache County, Utah HL Entered at the I'OBtoIIlco every Tuesday, Thurs- B 'I day and Saturday, at Logan, ltab, as Second Glass B I Matter. H, ', I SUBSCRIPTION RATES , H' If I By Mall H , ( One Year , $3.00 ' Bli Months ......' 1.60 H Tbjree Months 90c B By Carrier H t One Year , 3.C0 H 8u Month I-'6 B Three Months 76c H If Not Paid In Advance, Add CO Cents Per Year ' B ,, : M Subscribers wishing address of paper changed H will pleaso glvo former as well as present address. B , Ali papers arc continued until . ipllclt order Is re- cefved to discontinue. All arrears must be paid In every case. |