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Show MR. HANCEY. AND MISS MURRAY WED Logan Man Captures Prominent Young J-ady of Wellsvllle; Are Married In Salt Lake Wellsvllle. June 27. Mr. Edward 'Hancey of Logan and Miss Jessie Murray one of our prominent young ladles were married Wednesday Juno 23 In Salt Lake temple. Mr. Hancoy is an employee of tho Tellurlde Power Pow-er Co., and Miss Murray was engaged as n clerk of tho Wellsvllle Co-op. They shall make their home In Logan nnd we all wish them much happiness In their now vocation. ( The Utah Conservatory of Music of Salt Lako City gave a free recital on Friday evening Juno 20. Tlmy shall endeavor tojorganlze a class that shall be under the competent teacher Miss Drew. If tho weather permits tho summer chool baBjoball team of the U.A. C. wlll'meet our teain 'Saturdny after-nooii after-nooii Juno 28 at Wellsvllle. Tho farmers nro wearing a broad smllo stneo tho rain tall desplto tho fact thcro Is much hay in tho fields. |