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Show A bilious halt sick foellng, loss of energy, and constipated bowels can bo relieved with surprising, promptness prompt-ness by using HERB1NE. The first dose brings Improvement, a few doses puts the system in fine vigorous condition. con-dition. Price 60c. 8old by niter Bros. Drug Co. Advertisement CARPENTER'S I TOOLS I We have greatly enlarged our stock of carpenters tools and carry one of fl the most complete stocks 1 In northern Utah. Partl-1 Partl-1 cular care Is taken to 1 have complete assort-B assort-B ments. T EVER10N AND SONS a m m m r Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., aro due to Improper blood. Burdock's Blood Bitten la a cleansing blooi, tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, cleai brained, clear aklnned. Advertise- PHICHESTER'S FILLS -r SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I DIRECTORY WE FURNISH YOU The WALL PAPER And Put it on your Walls At 35c k R, and Up Street No. 178 South Main Phone 305 j Logan, Hide & Junk Co Pay the Highest Prict for Rubbers and Metals Machinery Cast Iron. Alst for Hides Wool And Beeswax. Bees-wax. IUO South Main Logan Utah, Phone, 62. I Save You Money BY Making Your Furniture Nev, Upholiltring and Central Repairing Couches In Imitation Leather 95.01 Bed SprlcgaKcitreched 7St Hair and Wool Matrejjei Remade2.5 ALL WORK GUARANTEHD BY J. F. Schirmeistei Shop 34 S. Main 'Phone 393 I James G. Walters Attorney-At-Law I Union Block, 5 North Main SI, LEGALJNOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. In the District Court Probate Division. Divi-sion. In and for Cache County, State of Utah IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE Oc UTAH," IN . AND FOR THfc OOUNTY OF CACHE. ' Consult County Clerk or the Re spec- tlvo Signers for further Information. ) NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Estate of Christian Larsen Deceased Creditors will present claims with r vouchers to the undersigned at his residence at Logon, Utah, It. F. D. . No. 2, Box 87, on or before the 11th day of October A. D. 1013. Dato of first publication June 10, i A. D., 1913. PETER C. LARSEN Administrator ' J. C. WALTERS, Attorney. Advertisement. JulylO m NOTICE TO CREDITOR8. Estate of William H. Green Deceased Creditors will prdsont claims wltli vouchors to the undersigned at bet i residence at HyTum City, Cache Coun ty, Utah on or before tho 30th day of September A. D. 1913. Dato ot first publication, May 2'Jth 1913. MAItY GREEN, Administratrix. J. C. WALTERS Attorney. Jl NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Joseph W. Maughan Deceased Creditors wilt rresent claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the First National Bank, Logan, Utah on or before the 21st day ot September A. D. 1918. Dato ot first publication. May 20, A. D. 1913. H. E. CROCKETT. Administrate ARTHUR W. HART and J. C. WALTERS, Attorneys. m NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate Of Emma Nllson Carter, Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her residence at Smlthfleld, Cache county, coun-ty, State of Utah, on or before the 16th day of October, A. D., 1U1S. Dato ot first publication May 22, A. D., 1913. ELIZA NILSON, Administratrix ot the estate of said deceased. J. Z. STEWART JR., Attorney NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's Offlce, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28, 1913 Notice Is hereby given tlmt James T. Balls, whoso post office address Is Hyde Park, Utah, has made application applica-tion In accordance with the requirements require-ments of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, hs amended by tho Session Caws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appropriate appropri-ate seven-thousandths (0.007) of a cubic foot of wnter per second from Dry Fork spring In Cacho county, Utah. Said Bprlng Is sltunted at a, point which lies 4.9CG.7 feet east and 3,452.4 feet south of the northwest corner of Section C, Township 12 north, Rnngo 2 east, Salt Lako baso nnd meridian. Tho water will bo diverted di-verted at tho place whoro it Issues from said spring and conveyed by means of a pipe lino for a distance of 2,500 feet and thero used from January 1 to December 31, Inclusive of each year, for domestic and muni-clpal muni-clpal purposes. This application Is designated In tho Stato Engineer's offlco as No. 5075. All protests against the granting of said application, stating tho reasons reas-ons therefore, must bo mhdo by affidavit affi-davit In duplicate and filed In this offlco within thirty (30) days after the completion ot tho publication ot this notice. W. D. BEERS, State Engineer. Dato of first publication Juno 7, 1913, date ot completion of publication July 7, 1913. Advertisement. NOTICE TO WATER U8ERS State Engineer's Office, Shit Lake City, Utah May 18, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that tho United States Department ot Agriculture, Agricul-ture, by David O. Thourer, Acting Forest Supervisor, whOBo post oQle address Is Logan, Utah has made application ap-plication in accordance with the requirements re-quirements ot the Compiled Laws ot Utah 1907, hB amended by tho Session Ses-sion Laws of Utah, 1909 and 1911, to appropriate fcur (4) cubic teet of water per second from Tony Grove Creek, Cache county, Utah. Part of said water will be diverted at a point which bears south 33 degrees 15 minutes west 8,712 feet distant of the south quarter corner of Section 30, Township 14 north, Range 3 east, Salt Lake baso and meridian. The balance ot said water will be diverted divert-ed at a point which bears south 23 degrees west 7,468 feet distant ot tho above described corner. Tho wnter so diverted will Lu convoyed by means of two ditches aggregating 2,310 feet In length where It will be uBed from July 1 to September 13, Inclusive, ot each year to Irrigate approximately ap-proximately 172 acres ot land em braced In Sections 11 and 12, Town ship 13 north, Range 3 cast, Salt Lake base and meridian. This application ap-plication Is designated In tho State Engineer's office as No. 4982. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit In duplicate and filed In this olllce . within thirty (30) days after the completion com-pletion ot the publication of this notice. no-tice. W. D. BEERS, State Engineer. Date of first publication May 24, 1913, date ot completion of publlca-I publlca-I tlon June 23, 1913. ; : H i 'wM , j'H Yes. ; iH Do It Now 1 1 Subscribe For ' : sH The I ' Republican 1 I ' sl And Get in Touch With The World ' I Isl All The News I All The Time I Fqv All The People I Send $3.00 Today I !1 And We'll Enter Your Name For H Year's Subscription I J |