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Show To Catch Foxes. If you nro particularly anxious to do a llttlo surrcptltlouB fox catching try tho following. It Is tho sago of Lup-ton Lup-ton who speaks, In his "Thousand Notable Things:" "Anoint tho soles of your shoes with n piece of fat swlno's flesh as broad as your hand, newly toasted or a llttlo broiled at the Iro when you go out of tho wood homewnrd. And In every of your steps cnBt n pleco of tho liver of a swlnn roasted and dipped in honoy, and draw nfter your back tho dead carcass of a cat." Your fox cannot resist nil this, but "be suro to havo a man nigh thco with bow and shafts to Bhoot at hlu., or by Bomo other mentis to hit him." Good fun this for n country house party at looso ends. |