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Show Postmaster Odell Back from Convention Postmnsler and Mrs. Odell returned re-turned on Sunday night from Araerl-can Araerl-can Fork where they have been attending at-tending the state convention of Post, masters. They report a hoipltabe reception und a m st successful convention. con-vention. As the postmaster general allows live das annual' absence to attend such conventions they tecelve olllclal recognition from headquarters and the convention delegates at American Fork were further favored in having met with them Mr G, L. Vandyke, assistant supervisor of salaries and allowances at Washington. An admirable three days' program had been arranged by President Odell and was well carried out. This was supplemented by the kindness of the American Fork people. Their Commercial Com-mercial club put Its rooms at the disposal dis-posal of the convention, furnished music lor each sesslon'and arranged a concert In the opera house, a grand ball In Apollo hall, and a canjon party. The sixty postmasters who attended with their wives and families have rarely had a more enlojable three days' convention and will always have pleasant memories of American Foik hospitality |