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Show Civil Service Examination l An examination for clerk and carrier vlIB will bo held at tho postofrlce In this jH city on July 15. Age limits, 18 to 45 '!H years, on the date of the examination. H Married women will not be admitted iH to the examination. Unmarried wo- jH men will be admitted to tho examlna- M tlon, but aro eligible for appointment M only as clerk. H Applicants must bo physically sound H and male applicants must, be not less M than 5 feet 4 Inches In height without H boots or shoes, and weigh not less H than 125 ponnds without overcoat or Jfl tiat. ' For application blanks and for full H Information relative to tho examlna- t, 9 tlon, (luallflcatlons, duties, salaries, ;fl vacations, promotions, etc., address fl immediately L. C. MuAlistkh, fl Secretary, Hoard of Civil Service jH Examiners, Postonlce, Logan, H Utah. : m |