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Show How to Clean Marble. For tho marble wasbstnnd try rubbing rub-bing with lemon julco first to remove stains. If this does not remove all stains rub them with n cloth moistened moist-ened with spirits of salts. This is excellent ex-cellent for removing stains, but If used iftac makes the surface rough and liable to catch the dirt, bo should be kept as n last resourco ouly. Re-membor, Re-membor, too, the unless It Is euro-fully euro-fully used It will burn tho hands. For tho nickel clean exactly as you would silver, or, If the article will not cqmo In contact with food, use eltherof tho many good metal polishes polish-es that aro on tho market or bath-brick bath-brick and turpentine, polishing utter-ward utter-ward with dry whiting. |