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Show Selfish, .Helpless Women. Tho helpless woman Is the most preeminently selfish of all women. The worst of It is that It Is a very hard selfishness to fight against, as she is usually sweet-tempered in her tyrnnny. In her home life before mar-rlago mar-rlago sho Is always tho one who gets up last In the morning and shirks work all day long. Today, however, men are beginning to realize that the self-reliant girl Is not necessarily unfemlnlne, and that she makes u .better friend or wife than the girl who Is sweet and helpless. help-less. The helpless woman Is a draw, back to hor husband from the start to fjnlsh. The helpless girl Is dally growing more and more a back number, num-ber, and sometime In the near futuro when man comes quite to his proper senses, she will be nn utterly unknown un-known quantity. Exchange. |