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Show .MARRIED AND. BURIED DOLL. An interesting caso of tho superstition super-stition regarding tho third timb is given by a Lahore, India, paper. An inhabitant of the city of Badaon lost two wives in quick succession, nnd was about to contract a third marriage, when he received tho following fol-lowing mandate fiom tho relatives of thebrido: "Wo nro told that when a man has. already lpst two wives 'his third also dies very soon. In order to satisfy the Angel of Death you nro requested to marry a doll, and thereafter coino nnd mnrry our daughter, who should bo your fourth wife, and not your third." Tho man did.ns he was told. He married tho doll, then gave out that she was dead, burled her with great pomp, and proceeded to marry his fourth wife I |