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Show W The Story of a Medicine. I, IU namo "Golden Medical Dlscovory" I. wasgugestrd by one of Its mot tmport- I' ant and valuablo Ingredients Golden i, Soal root. i Nearly forty years ago, "Dr. Plcrcfc dls- , covered that In) could, by tho uso of pure, trlple-rellned glyccrlno, aided by a ccr- , tain degrco of constantly maintained heat and with tho aid of apparatus and 1 appliances designed for that purpose, ex- i tract from our most valuablo nattvo mc- I dlclnal roots their curatlvo properties m 'I much tmtter than by tho u-o of alcohol, 1 r so generally emplo)ed. So tho now world- L famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for tho euro of weak stomach, Indigestion, or1 dyspcpMa, torpid liver, or biliousness and i kindred derangements was tlrst made, as , It evor since has been, Ithout a partlclo of alcohol in Its mako-up. A glance at tho full list of Its Ingredients; Ingredi-ents; printed on every bottle-wrapper, will show that It Is made from tho most )' valuable medicinal roots found growing ' In our American forests. All thesd In- P gredlonts hao reeelviJ tho strongest en- f dorsomont from tho leading medical ex- iierts, teachers and writers on Materia ilcdlca who recommend them as tho very ti best remedies for tlm diseases for which "Golden Medical Discovery" Is advUed. f A llttlo book of these endorsements has ' been comiillod by Dr. It. V. I'lorco, of j Buffalo, N. Y and will bo mailed free to i any one asking samo by postal card, or f, lottor addressed to tho Doctor as above. " From these endorsements, copied from , standard medical books of all tho dllTcr- it ent schools of prnclteo, It will bo found that tho Ingredients composing tho "Gold- , on Medlcil Discovery " are advised not J only for tho euro of tho above mentioned M dlseasos. but also for tho euro of all ca- '( tarrbal, bronehlal and throat alTectlons, " aecompalned with catarrhal discharges, j, hoarsoness, foro throat, lingering, or hang-on-coughs, and all thoso wasting , affections which, If not promptly and properly treated aro llablo to terminate l In consumption. Tako Dr. Plrrce's Dis covery In tlmo and persovcro in Its use t until you give It a fair trial and It Is not r likely to disappoint. Too much must not u bo exiwctcd of It, It will not perform F miracles. It will not euro consumption In Its advanced stages. No medicine will. r It will euro tho alTectlons that load up to i consumption, If taken in time. I, ' : 1 Logan Second Hand Store P ,, at the present tlmo has the i Largest Assortment iof Second-hand. Furniture Fur-niture we' have ever carried. 1 Call and see the stock and let 1 us quote you prices. 24 W, 1st -Street North, J Phones 100. I Johnson & Anderson, Proprietors I i w- r,--; -w-gr- Ancient Rome is now merely a memory of the past. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is the family liniment of tho twentieth century. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc., Mr. O. II. Runyon, Stanbcrry, Mo. writes: "I have used Snow Liniment lor Rheumatism and all pain. I can't say enough In Its praise." Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor.hcart palpitation. palpi-tation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Retjulets ,act gently and euro constipation. 1523 cents." 7Askyonr druggist. - Kl I$50.l3-35 gj I I w . t' ItT" . 41 H X We collected five thousand and L "SX. mm : thirteen dollars and thirty-live f&&'' s X 1 cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Frew. AT tw 4p ' -;H She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and ,-mmwfw j ttt ' .1 Swill be glad to tell jou If jou have yjt&Mns l --& 2V ) , any bad claims to turn them In and t'Wt'faf j? 5 lll wo will get somo money for you. c5 s 5 rH $ Merchants' Protective Association I SCIENIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. 'H $W Fifth Floor Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. S '' FRANCIS G. LUKE, General Mgr. "Some People Don't Like us" X H HERCULES Stone I HERCULES STONE t 'H For foundation ' H and other build- lmW ing purposes it is 41 cheap er than 11 rough rock and is IH fully as artistic as "iMmw cut stone. 1 Made by M The Western Cement Block Co., j:mm For Particulars Inquire of FRED JOHNSON, President, 230 E. W Cth North, Logan. Bell phone 125k, Ind. 101 J. r tH rf j pj i People who iutrust . vir IVlgllt tiiejr money to a tH toTf bank want to know some- .H IVllOW thing of its financial strength. ' i tH We fully recognize, this right, and gladly furnish de- . H positors with a list of our directors and stockholders, i H 'Then, from time to time, we publish reports showing i jH the condition of the bank. Copies of these reports are ,H kept on hand for those who -wish to see them. )m The FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 . I LOGAN, UTAH. Naturopathic Institute, k ' 1 I The best method of curing any WgjS vR. ,H Acute or Chronic Disease or P7 .fcw f H Bad Habit Is by removing the ljL iXmWi l H cause through some Physical, P0Nf mWtlfa I mm Mental or Psychic method which fr mWMl f ' mm is harmless but sure. j W; smmWfw I mm Try Naturopathy and learn sfrSmWimwm H that you can get cured from any &:yJmT Mfflmmmm I iH Disease or Bad Habit without idv ' 'mmlimmmh ! yWm taking Poisonous Drug Medicine mm4w!mMW!W!!tk t mm or often undergoing a useless mnWm6mBMBmmyi i 'M but fatal operations. ifSSmmi JflmEzmwMffly 'mm J. Fi PETBITSOH, Ps. D. N.D MMjBlfry MmJTJS t fl 42 South Main Street wWJ&TrrlJiMi(JQ 'mm Bell Phone 120. N tfo444r rv,s, -mm r H Reliable Dentists Guarantees good at any olllce. ' f OFFICES: Salt Iake, Logan, Ogden, Provo, and Park City H Teeth extracted positively without pain. Free with plates. ) WM Our prices within the teach of everyone. '9 Satot Tcctli. (llcst Ited Itubbor) S7 Golcinillnss $1 up ''jH A Good fet for , ..S3 Sliver and Ainalcam Killings 75c i s5m Ilrldec Work, Ik'st S3 Commit rilling. .., ,..,,..,, 50o ,7'imM Oold Crowns. 22 K 5 l'orcelaln I'lllliiss ., ,... SI ( mW 12 Years Protective Guarantee. FreaxnSl"eai!'' X 'fl Honest work, Fair Dealings make our success continuous. ' MM Open till Op. m.; Snndays 0 to 12, German spoken. Lady attendant MU ll 05B5B5H5H5aga5gSBS55H5a5a5HSrB5E5gsa5BSa5BgESHSBHBp "'Mm S Why not send The Republican to rfl 1 ffi that relative who has gone away? fl S It costs but $2 a year in and would S f Iffl u ' fll f 1 rvtmmm g be to him a big newsy letter. 3 i&M ' '' 4 m |