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Show A FLASH OF LIGHTNING. One day in tho classroom, whilo tho editor was in college, tho professor profes-sor mentioned as n "freak" of tho lightuing's, tho peculiar behavior of a stroke of which ho was n witness. It struck the lightning-rod on a church htcople, came down to within with-in n few feet of tho ground, jumped from tho rod to n tree, from tho trco to tho iron fence, nnd from tho fenco to the rod again. That was, indeed, a peculiar stroke, but lightning light-ning is better understood now than it was then, a result duo to tho camera, which shows that many flashes have a number of branches shooting off in various directions, like tho small roots of a tree. t Tho caso mentioned by the professor was no doubt one of these, and tho jumping jump-ing was dono by tho branches. |