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Show Removed to 108 North Main street, C. II. Baker, shoe repairer. First door north of Cache Bailey bank. Williamson Feed & Livery Stable After June 1st will be at 30 to 32 South Main Street, the place occupied until recently by the Cache Valley Implement Company, across the street from Studebaker Brothers. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Notice is hereby given that all users of water from City Water-mains, Water-mains, that arc delinquent, must p"ay same before the 30tli of June, or their water service will be shut off. By order Committee on Water-Works. WOODMEN ATTENTION. You are hereby requested to meet at 1 o'clock next Sunday at our hall to prepare for service connected with unveiling of monument at Wcllsville. Also to bo at our next regular meeting. Business of importance. By order Council Commander. I !Kto HENRY G. HAYBALL "S.f I m Some of the Most Remarkable Values Ever Offered in the Month of June K? " MUSLIN UNDERWEAR IS MUCH BELOW THE USUAL COST TO TOW WtStp !t? 8SS nTO??S5?ASLS?i,??iS2IfAL AT THE PUES. THE W PROGRAMMES. DO NOT MISS BEING HBEBsfflgaSg'siu! offiBSS1!1jV55gPABBD SENSATAL 2 MhriSia,f,inS ednrai 'iW9 nc6t!1 at " G' "ayba"'s Store, Center St., Logan, and Countings I Until July 3rd. Goods Sold for Cash Only. No Samples Cut. Nc T Goods on Atmal 8 m FAMILY GROCERY LIST A TRETNA?STSHTER I CLEARANCE OF ALL I SILKS AND DRESS GOODS I STILL GREATER WAtt I S'SoSr'sSSr-fiS NAyNASBTOENLESNASND ' TedKX - PROFUSION. "5& 10 CPr Utat'TomatoesV.V. liSS TOWELINOS1 . SHEETS, PILLOW cJSeS AND Undcrpriced as at no Other Store The t80. K" 12-cnns Best Corn $1.00 Slashing cuts that must and DOMESTICS in Logan. women tcllX atL S S HJf- 0 12 cans Best Peas $1.00. will clear this tremendous sur- Marvelous Opportunities ! Un- Black Taffeta Silk 36 inches combined with beauty in a moris fc HP -. 3 cans Mustard Sardines . . 25c plus with a rush. Daring ciits precodented Bargain Chances, wide, extra heavy quality suitable favorable manner than mere H, 6 cans Oil Sardines 25c that'll open buyers' eves in nere n this clearing sale of all for Dresses, Waists and Petti- tongue or pen. Each dav tho HL 0 5 packages Tree Tea $1.00 amazement. The whole stock to Bed. Sheetings. Bed Spreads, coats. Regular value $1.50. sales increase in volume and still K & G packages Now Crop Tea.. $1.00 go: Sheets, Pillow Oases and all Do- Special sale prico per yd.. $1.10 the pretty Wash Goods are com- , Z HK 6 Pkgs Madjf Coffee .... $1.00 AH ouc fable Linens bleached. mestics. The entire stock goes in 76c SUITINGS FOR 49c YARD lug in on tho Undcrpriced basis H 2 8 lbs. Lxtra quality Coffee $1.00 half bleached and Turkey Red, go this sale. Everything reduced! ' Our Entire lino of Spring Suit- Theso for th's week's Great Sel- 0 Hj 18 lbs. Best Rico $1.00 m this mammoth sale per ' ings in tho new plaid effects hag: 0 . J"J !i,s- onpica X ya ft V--' '; V. -v: 37c Y0U BUY SH0ES THIS broken ches, checked Wool" f ? Flowered Eoliennes, M l a hs' S"B0 $1.00 All ,c Table Linens, German WEEK. Voiles, and many others, worth Pted in pink, light blue, gray T H 9 10 cans Oysters $1.00 and Scotch, measuring up to 72 you'll Sha in pn,nrVM ., rcgularlv un to 75c Snociai at and green. Value COe. In this H 0 40 bars Laundry Soap ....$1.00 inches in width, go In this snk fa S JvT ?mw aV" pefyaiS T P fflj sale a yard 35o , : 20 lbs Navy Beans $L00 Pr jnrd 54c $&? f0"0W- $T35J VOILES FOR "i YARD " e' '' 1 HK Jut H pkgs. Com Starch 25c "U !j.i.Jo grade in this sale per , a. ... , Best Imnortod Wool Vniiou 49 3do This sale a yard... 22Uc 1 g siiyr"-" ti,k'Si,""a ss,..'?rrr..?.:!js "so!- sw??.. ffifflasaS- 5 H-; W , ! All finer Table Linens, all finer soles (size 131A to 2). Price $1.75. $1.00 ALL COLORS TAFFETA & ' SLAUGHTER OF HOSIERY NnpWns. nil finer Towels, Tablo Sn'a ; $1.15 SILKS, 65c YARD. ALL LACES AND EM- " m . . Kvcry line .t t sale reduo- X'S r&XLffi?, $ . ( 5 toV &X Jffi J ifnToTSTffei S Go in JffR'a P I ' H ft-j: tions. making this the best and sure such reat savincs tlintvnii $1.00. Sale 80c no ot 1.00 laffeta Silks at i n "' salo at but a Frac- U. j WpW'J fnl , offc?n t!'e "10St e-tentg7v5ook lg ' KM Vr Calf,' welt sofes ffo " tW" Styl. aid QnX' IflnSlI ? Hi ';' Powerful values Logan has ever (sizes 8 to 13). Regular prico . nothinc reserve ZSi! ' I J 'Tdies Fast Black Cotton Hose FLEE0ED gg WRAPPER c' .TBS4 otS "T R If X" Va,U ?"r AS SO inches lvalue 15c in fflT " ! " ft S FINZeVySinXmS ?? M P Sd "Pn,V B lack ifennsdoTf this .sale u '...... Vc uito'.,,iu,Bii,(dxo,2S "& If On Sale Up to 5c value. Sale price 2i2c H Imported plain and Lace llosc.n 27 inches wide, value 12ig to 9). ReX 90c Sale . 65c Wednesday Only. Up to Ig values Sa e price. Bo . K ? "rcat vnriet' t0 choosc from in saIe Price 8 1.3o Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, welt or PTBnnHR to "?o vh, QniP A H' & the best 50c "rades Tho sale . i,im snio vnin to rn tVnn RIBBONS UP to -oc values. Sale price 10c H I X . . . . . :....'. ... 35c BURMAH OHALLIES S i j our dfoTce $1 95 ALL SILK TAFFETA RIBBONS . 1,000 yards Torchon Lco Edg- B Children's fine ribbed 25o BURMAH OHALLIES WOMYsWosb All Silk Baby Ribbon .... lc yd " and Insertions, worth up to L . grade, seamless Stockings, in fast M:C value in this salo 5o 7'3 nnd 8's). Reeular oo' No. 5 Taffeta Ribbon .... 3o yd t y i 2. ' Be $ W black all sizes, cut for U.ls clear-' t, AH 6 and 7o Calicoes in Sa,e ?.. ... . . ? . . S No. 7 Taffeta Ribbon .... 4c yd FmSSolfZ11 i M nnce sale to a pair ....'.... 17c .this sale at per yard Bo Ladies' Tan Shoes. Regular No. 0 Taffeta Ribbon.. Bt3o yd "yS'nShWiT' S " Hi ' Men's Hose in nil styles and ATt ta nWPm,TrB . Pnce $1.05. All sizes nt .. $1.35 No. 12 Taffeta Ribbon.. 60 yd J.10"8'' "'JJf wo ' "' ifnltolintc - quality, at rrcat reductions dur. ALL LACE CURTAINS 1 Infants' Soft Shoes. Regular No. 10 Taffeta Ribbon.. 7y2c yd fo!i , vnS ' S- i5 S-?on Ml & ing this sale. AND TABLE COVERS price GOc, all colors and sizes. No- 22 Tnffota Ribbon 8 l-3c yd 0tS' n aid 8c' 1Ji 19c " HI 7 AT A SACRIFICE. Sale 40c No. 40 Taffota Ribbon 12i2o yd OUTINGS f LADIES' WRAPPERS. Prices are cut to a point when fj' nS S tSS!! HftbSwvS Jd ? 1-3 cent Outings ...'... 6 cents H:. foi $1.50. Sale price 79c it will pay you to lay in a supply FACTURER'S COST. All Fancy Ribbons at 25 per cent J2,Cnt 0uAm?s cent3 '"'' H: T All $1.00 & $1.25 . salo price 75c for the next year to come. Como Eavly. Not Many Left. I discount I 122 cent Outings .. 8 1-3 cents I H fy I .. ' 15 cent Outings 10 cents I t - ' s o m & m 0 $;0'o$ HP1' " Rflr! |