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Show HE GOT THE COUNTERSIGN Sentinel Had His Own Idea of His Duties While Guarding the Outer Lines. State Senator Arthur Dcwalt, of Allcntown, member of tho capitol investigating in-vestigating commission, has a favorite favor-ite story. It runs ns follows : Among tho troops about Tampa was a' regiment of Pennsylvania Onrroans from my wction. One night tho guard raj being placed. Said Private B. to the corporal : "Now, you dell mo vat to do." "Well, here is your beat. You walk from that point (indicating) to this. If anyone comes you say, 'Unit! who goes there?' He" will say to' you, 'Friend, with tho countersign.' coun-tersign.' You say to him, 'Advance, friend, with the countersign.' If he says 'Pocatclligo' you let liim pass. If he doesn't you shoot." "Holt ub, corporal; say dot ag'in. It's long." Thereupon the officer of tho guard repeated the instructions, going over them carefully. Some two hours later a noiso was heard by the lonely sentinel pacing to and fro, repeating his orders to himself. "Haldtl Who goes derc?" "Friend, with the countersign." "Adtvancc, friendt, mit der goun-tersign." goun-tersign." Footsteps approached from the jungle, while tho sentry grew more nervous and got his rifle in position for business. Aiming at the visitor, now about 12 feet distant, the recruit re-cruit shouted: "Now, you ' , you say Pbogatollicho, or I zhoot." |