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Show City and County People using Vowles Health Hour have no occasion to use spring tonics. Mr. John liuckley, proprietor of the North Star Woolen Mills, at Franklin, was In Logan Monday. We sell the Earth and Loan money oti It. II. A. I'odcrscn & Co. Elders T. W. Hurst and A. E. Cran-ney Cran-ney were the speakers at the tabernacle taber-nacle Sunday afternoon. For sale cheap A nood team. John II. nderson. Thoroughbred llarrcd Hock Cock-rclls Cock-rclls for sale at Smith's bakery and cbks for hatching, 32 East Center. Rev. John Nelson came up from Payson to spend Sunday with his parents, par-ents, Councilman and Mrs. E. W. Nelson. Nel-son. A Mr. Cathcart,brotherof Principal C.ithcart.of the New Jersey Academy, is here from a point near St. Louis for a few days' visit. Zephyr Ginghams, only 8 i -3c yard at Logan Dry Goods Co. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thomas, of this city, are reported as having whooping cough. But two or three weeks ago one of their little children died from thlsdiniculty. LOOK OUT Spring Is coming -so is John Ilcnch coming after you, for your house painting and paper hanging. hang-ing. First-class workmen sent to all points of the county. A tumor weighing .'!" pounds was removed from the abdominal cavity of Mrs. lhjrgcss, of Smlthlleld, on Monday. Mon-day. A peculiar feature of this case is that the lady Is slight or build, weighing weigh-ing less than a hundred pounds. At last report she was getting along very nicely. It may pay you to read Dlackmorc's ' "horses wanted" ad In another place. Those who have hnrscs to sell should note Dlackmorc's display advertisement advertise-ment In another column. 1 Mrs. J. II. Llnford, of Logan, is suffering suf-fering fiom a broken limb, the result of a fall down a stairway Sunday. Moulders Wanted J3 50 per day for nine hours. Steady work, Sliver Ilros. Iron Works Co., Salt Lake City, t Mrs. Margaret Edwards, aged 84 years, the mother of Win. and J. 11. Edwards, fell and hmke her right arm pear the shoulder yesterday morning. She was walking around at the time of the accident. A dollar saved Is a dollar earned. Head Andreas Peterson's advcrtlsj-ment advcrtlsj-ment In another column and learn how to save several dollars. The Odd Fellows gle another dance at their hall Friday evening. These are plasant little social affairs greatly enjoyed. The ladles usually furnish cake and coHec. New line of ladies' skirts at the Logan Dry Goods Co. Andreas Anderson and sister, Mrs. Samuel Matklns, of Mexico and Canada, Cana-da, respectively, are In Logan visiting their brother, James Anderson of the Sixth ward. Tho Anderson brothcis had not seen each other for more than twenty-live years and naturally enough their present meeting Is a Joyous one. Wantkd A good plain painter and paperhanger. f.l.GO per day If suitable. Address or apply to Mathews Math-ews & Son,, Ilox ."111! Hock Springs, Wyo. Mrs. Sarah Hendricks and Mrs. Jos. H. Hansen were visitors in Salt Lako from Wednesday until Saturday. It was tho Intention to remain longer, butoncof Mrs. Hansen's little babes was taken stlghtly III and the fond mother llgurcd It out as nothing less than smallpox ordlphthcrla.so rushed home like a good mother always will. Tho dlillculty proved to be hives. All smart up-to-date women ofto day. Know how to bake, wash, sing and to play; Without these talents a wife Is N. C. Unless she'takes Itocky mountain Tea. C. E. Napper. Manager E. P. Hacon, of the Tellu-ride Tellu-ride Co ,has just received a two-seated Cadllac automobile of 20 or 25 horse-power. It is red hi color and a real beauty, costing about $2,500. Mr. Bacon Is said to have thought and dreamed automobile all winter and pored over not less than a ton of literature about these machines. Ills car came Sunday, and even before he could take a good ride he must needs go with a party to Grace, Idaho, to look after the Tellurlde's project there. Two or three others of Logan's Lo-gan's substantial business men arc seriously considering the motor-car problem and It is not beyond the possible pos-sible that other machines will be brought in before long. New Shoes and Oxfords just arrived at the Logan Dry Goods Co. Wm. Weir, who recently left this valley for Millet Alberta, writes that he is now settled there in fairly good shape, and to say especially that an item in Tub Ii:i'uiilican in rcfrrence to the return of John Crockett from the north was Incorrect. Tiik Ri:iur.-licax Ri:iur.-licax had. It that Mr. Crockett had assisted Mr. Weir In his removal to the north, of which that gentleman writes as follows: "I wish you would correct this, as Mr. Crockett did not assist me In any way, and I was not aware that he was in my car of stock and goods until the car arrived at Great Falls, Montana. There the party In charge of the car fired him from It, as we did not wish the responsible respon-sible of takl.ig him across the line into Canada." Mr. Weir says the farmers are busy getting the ground ready for seeding. This is the season of listless headaches head-aches and sprlngdisorders. Holllster's Uoeky Mountain Tea Is a sure preventative. preven-tative. Makes you strong and vigorous. vigor-ous. :I5 cents, Tea or Tablet. O. E. Napper The following found In tho most recent re-cent number of Salt Lake's "Truth" is interesting only as It gives rise to speculation as to who the author may be. Truthsays: "John A. Hendrlckscn of Logan Is one of tho first crop of candidates for the nomination for state senator from his district. These early growths are tender things, apt to be nipped by frosts. At the present pres-ent time, however, Mr. Hendrlckson inputting forth his buds and soliciting solicit-ing aid from his friends and neighbors in furtherance of his ambitions. Ho may grow and spiead his branches like a green bay tree till others who may In their hearts cherish ambitions similar to his may be completely overshadowed, over-shadowed, and yet it may be that the frost of early spring may nip tho tender buds and that when tho harvest har-vest comes, Uullcn or I). H. Roberts may bo the ones to garner the wheat." Mr. and Mrs. John Tinner leave Logan tomorrow for their home at Cardston, Canada. Andreas Peterson advertises a great oper.lng sale of Men's Furnishings and other wear. Head his display advertisement adver-tisement In another column. While at work Saturday a beam fell on Fiank Fulhner's head, cutting a gash of such length and depth that surgical attention was required. Mis. Emma Lofgrecn, of Ogden, Utah, arrived In Logan on Saturday last to pay her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Huglof tho Fifth ward, a visit for a few days. Fou Rknt-5 acres of land adjoining adjoin-ing county road, north of lime kiln, Logan. Apply Paul Hansen, Provl-dencc. Provl-dencc. Quit Ncbeker came over from his Hear Lake ranch Saturday. When he left, that whole country was covered with at least a couple of feet of snow and Ihe funnels were still using their bob-sleds. From thr middle of the valley westward 10 the tops of tho mountains the Hear Lake country Is a vast expanse of while, quite u decided decid-ed (inference from Cacnc. The Easter service at the tabernacle taberna-cle Sunday evening at 7:.'I0 will be one of real beauty .ind pleasure, as well of deepest significance. Tho alfalr Is given under the auspices of the First Warders and no elfort In preparation has been spared. The choir under the direction of G. W Thatcher will render ren-der no less than seven Easter anthems and tho speaker engaged for the occasion occa-sion Is one of Salt Lake City's ablest. President Nephl Morris, of Mm Granite Gran-ite Stake. The public has a coidlal Invitation to attend this service. Last uhaiactcr ball of the season will bo given at the Ilyrum dance hall onFilday evening, April i:i. For the four best sustained characters the fol-' lowing prkes will be given: 1st, pair of gents' high grade d'anclng.sllppers, J.'t, or one lady's fancy hand satchel, $.'!; 2nd, cast, pilze, $2 50: ."rd, cash prize, $1.50; 4th, If gent, dance ticket. If lady, bottle ol Parisian perfume. Admission Ad-mission 50 cents, spectators 25 cents, t A New York Item in Sunday's News sas of Mr. A. L. Farrell. of this city: "Prof. Dudley Huck Jr. gave a song recital Wednesday, March 28, at his studio, In Carnegie Hall, only his pu-' plls taking part. Mr. Alfred Faru-'.. of Logan, who has been studying wnn Prof. Huck something over a year, was I down for four numbers, and It only required re-quired his llrst song to convince the audience that he was the star student. In tone quality and volume he was far In advance of the expectations of his friends, showing the work he has accomplished ac-complished In so short a time, as well as the talent back of it all, which could produce such an Impression upon up-on his hearers. He has an undoubted future In the world of song." The friends of Mr. Farrell will be pleased to Jearn of his progress. Word was received Sunday from Rexbuig, Idaho, by Mrs. Chas Paul, of the Logan Second ward, announcing the serious Illness of her daughter Gertrude, who had given birth to a baby girl a few days ago. On Tuesday morning word came that Mrs Gr-trude Gr-trude Porter had died at Ilo'clock that morning, from child-bed fever, "Gertie" "Ger-tie" Paul was the wife of Ar.thur Porter, Por-ter, formerly of the Logan Second ward, Shortly after marriage they moved to the northern city and have been residents of that place since. Mrs. Porter was much beloved by .all with whom she came In contact and her sweet disposition gained her many warm friends, all of whom will be ! gieatly shocked to hear of her (sudden demise. Thus by the hand of death a loving husband and three little children child-ren are deprived of a faithful companion compan-ion and a guiding star. It Is believed the body will be brought to Logan for burial See those new Oxfords at the Logan Dry Goods Co. H. A Pedcrsen, the real estate man,' Is having the struggle of his life just at present. Quite recently he received receiv-ed two letters from the Tyrol written In ''Eyc-talian,"and after skirmishing about for two or three days found German Ger-man and Scandinavian scholars sutll-clently sutll-clently familiar with the Dago lingo lin-go to read at least a portion of these manuscripts, and it appears that Hans has either been left an heritage amounting to 11,000,000 yards of mac aronlor Is Instructed to collect for eomo one else a fortune represented by 20,-030 20,-030 pounds of vermicelli or spaghetti. Hans visited Tiik Hui-uiilican otlico and consulted John Work Harry, who is known to be half Dago, but John's intrepretatlon was different from all I the rest. He says these letters are from an Italian vendor of chill con-I con-I came who wants the pilvilego of ped-J ped-J dllng his fiery dope on tho streets here without a license. This last Interpretation Interpre-tation has taken tho wind out of Hans's sails, but now that ie has already al-ready had six days of worry and seven nightmares over the matter ho proposes pro-poses to go or send to San Francisco and get a correct interpretation of the epistles. |